The reality and evolutionary significance of human psychological sex differences

J Archer - Biological Reviews, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The aims of this article are:(i) to provide a quantitative overview of sex differences in human
psychological attributes; and (ii) to consider evidence for their possible evolutionary origins …

Sexual hookup culture: A review

JR Garcia, C Reiber, SG Massey… - Review of General …, 2012 -
“Hookups,” or uncommitted sexual encounters, are becoming progressively more engrained
in popular culture, reflecting both evolved sexual predilections and changing social and …

[КНИГА][B] Minds make societies: How cognition explains the world humans create

P Boyer - 2018 -
A scientist integrates evolutionary biology, genetics, psychology, economics, and more to
explore the development and workings of human societies.“There is no good reason why …

Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations

DT Kenrick, V Griskevicius… - Perspectives on …, 2010 -
Maslow's pyramid of human needs, proposed in 1943, has been one of the most cognitively
contagious ideas in the behavioral sciences. Anticipating later evolutionary views of human …

[КНИГА][B] Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind

DM Buss - 2019 -
Where did we come from? What is our connection with other life forms? What are the
mechanisms of mind that define what it means to be a human being? Evolutionary …

[КНИГА][B] Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications

JW Berry - 2002 -
Cross-culturele psychologie is de studie van de relaties tussen menselijk gedrag en de
culturele context. In dit handboek komen alle vormen van gedrag aan bod, de belangrijkste …

[КНИГА][B] Мужчина в меняющемся мире

И Кон - 2014 -
В настоящее время во всем мире много говорят о кризисе маскулинности и о том, что
происходит с мужчинами. Слова о феминизации мужчин, ослаблении отцовства и т. п …

Simultaneous administration of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale in 53 nations: exploring the universal and culture-specific features of global self-esteem.

DP Schmitt, J Allik - Journal of personality and social psychology, 2005 -
Abstract The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) was translated into 28 languages and
administered to 16,998 participants across 53 nations. The RSES factor structure was …

Why can't a man be more like a woman? Sex differences in Big Five personality traits across 55 cultures.

DP Schmitt, A Realo, M Voracek… - Journal of personality and …, 2008 -
Previous research suggested that sex differences in personality traits are larger in
prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities …

Beyond global sociosexual orientations: a more differentiated look at sociosexuality and its effects on courtship and romantic relationships.

L Penke, JB Asendorpf - Journal of personality and social …, 2008 -
Sociosexuality is usually assessed as the overall orientation toward uncommitted sex,
although this global approach may mask unique contributions of different components. In a …