What's not to “like?” Can a Facebook fan base give a brand the advertising reach it needs?
A marketer with a Facebook Fan base has at least some ability to advertise to that audience.
What quality of reach, however, does this sort of “earned media” deliver? The landmark …
What quality of reach, however, does this sort of “earned media” deliver? The landmark …
[PDF][PDF] Pharmaceutical marketing-time for change
J Buckley - EJBO-Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and …, 2004 - ejbo.jyu.fi
This paper reviews current marketing practices in the pharmaceutical sector, and their
impact on consumer and doctor behaviour. It identifies negative impacts which include …
impact on consumer and doctor behaviour. It identifies negative impacts which include …
Realizing the value of extensive replication: A theoretically robust portrayal of double jeopardy
C Habel, L Lockshin - Journal of Business Research, 2013 - Elsevier
Researchers have spent almost 50years develo**, refining and applying the NBD-
Dirichlet in repeat purchase markets, in particular with extensive replication of the …
Dirichlet in repeat purchase markets, in particular with extensive replication of the …
Empirical generalisations in customer mindset metrics
PJ Mecredy, MJ Wright, PM Feetham… - Journal of Consumer …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Two very well‐known empirical generalisations in marketing are Double jeopardy (DJ) and
the duplication of purchase law (DoP). These generalisations provide important insights into …
the duplication of purchase law (DoP). These generalisations provide important insights into …
[HTML][HTML] Relación entre los niveles de TRP's, las medidas de recordación, preferencia de marca y la conducta de compra en consumidores colombianos
DM López Celis, M Sandoval Escobar… - Psicología desde el …, 2010 - scielo.org.co
El propósito de la investigación es determinar las relaciones existentes entre los niveles de
Target Rating Point (TRP'S) entendidos como el índice acumulado de rating de Televisión …
Target Rating Point (TRP'S) entendidos como el índice acumulado de rating de Televisión …
[PDF][PDF] Using Polarisation to Reveal Systematic Deviations in Dirichlet Loyalty Estimation.
Fader and Schmittlein (1993) established that the larger brands in a product category often
have excess loyalty relative to the benchmark provided by the Dirichlet Model. This paper …
have excess loyalty relative to the benchmark provided by the Dirichlet Model. This paper …
Discovering how brands grow
D Corkindale - The Marketing Review, 2011 - ingentaconnect.com
The paper explains that there are observable, regular patterns of aggregate consumer
behaviour of buying competitive brands in markets to the extent that they can be taken as …
behaviour of buying competitive brands in markets to the extent that they can be taken as …
Do older consumers purchase differently?: the effect of age on brand awareness, consideration, and purchase: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the …
P Mecredy - 2022 - mro.massey.ac.nz
The spending power of older consumers is rapidly rising as global populations continue to
age. Yet, little is known about how ageing and its underlying mechanisms impact consumer …
age. Yet, little is known about how ageing and its underlying mechanisms impact consumer …
[PDF][PDF] Ehrenberg-Bass Institute Working Paper: Empirical generalisations in customer mindset metrics
Double jeopardy (DJ) and the duplication of purchase law (DoP) are two well-known
empirical generalisations in marketing. These empirical generalisations provide substantial …
empirical generalisations in marketing. These empirical generalisations provide substantial …
[PDF][PDF] The need to develop responsible marketing practice in the pharmaceutical sector
J Buckley - Problems and Perspectives in management, 2004 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
This paper identifies and discusses current marketing practice in the pharmaceutical sector,
as it relates to therapeutic pharmaceuticals. It examines the potential risks associated with …
as it relates to therapeutic pharmaceuticals. It examines the potential risks associated with …