Scalable lignocellulosic biorefineries: Technoeconomic review for efficient fermentable sugars production
Sugars derived from lignocellulosic biomass represent an appealing and critical platform for
advancing the bioeconomy. Attractive for the distinguished selectivity as well as green and …
advancing the bioeconomy. Attractive for the distinguished selectivity as well as green and …
[HTML][HTML] Application of machine learning to predict of energy use efficiency and damage assessment of almond and walnut production
MS Beni, MG Parashkoohi, B Beheshti… - Environmental and …, 2023 - Elsevier
A study was conducted in Shahrekord city, Iran, focusing on improving the production of
almond and walnut crops on rural agricultural lands. The gardeners selected for the study …
almond and walnut crops on rural agricultural lands. The gardeners selected for the study …
[HTML][HTML] Use of imperialist competitive algorithm for optimization of energy productivity and damage assessment in sugar industry: A case study
M Boroun, M Ghahderijani, AA Naseri… - Environmental and …, 2023 - Elsevier
A study was conducted to optimize energy consumption and evaluate the life cycle of the
sugar industry in Plant (PS) and Ratoon (RS) sugarcane farms, which were evaluated using …
sugar industry in Plant (PS) and Ratoon (RS) sugarcane farms, which were evaluated using …
Optimization of reducing sugar production from tea stalks with mild dilute alkali pretreatment by response surface methodology
Y Zhou, X Hou, Y Yang, C Zhang, Y Zhang… - Biomass Conversion and …, 2024 - Springer
Current biofuel production urgently requires effective conversion of lignocellulosic biomass
into fermentable sugars. This conversion process entails pretreating the biomass, which …
into fermentable sugars. This conversion process entails pretreating the biomass, which …
[HTML][HTML] The synergetic effect of ultrafine grinding and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment for the enzymatic saccharification of corn stover
Cellulose in lignocellulosic biomass is difficult to hydrolyze during enzymatic hydrolysis. To
further simplify the pretreatment process in high solid loading on the premise of reducing the …
further simplify the pretreatment process in high solid loading on the premise of reducing the …
Robust pretreatment in combination with ultrasound-assisted surfactant to improve the enzymatic hydrolysis of Eucalyptus pellita
Alkaline pretreatment stands out as a valuable strategy in biomass conversion to overcome
the recalcitrance of biomass by removing lignin and a part of hemicellulose. This enhances …
the recalcitrance of biomass by removing lignin and a part of hemicellulose. This enhances …
Potential of Moroccan Agriculture Sector for Energy Generation from Barley Straws
One of the leading barley producers in Africa is Morocco, where this crop is the second most
important cereal in the country. Despite a huge annual amount of barley agricultural …
important cereal in the country. Despite a huge annual amount of barley agricultural …
[PDF][PDF] Renewable Carbohydrates: Advancements in Sustainable Glucose Production and Optimization
This study explores and optimizes glucose production through various biochemical
processes and assesses the potential of diverse feedstock sources to meet the growing …
processes and assesses the potential of diverse feedstock sources to meet the growing …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of energy use efficiency and life cycle environmental impact of almond and walnut production: A case study in Shahrekord city, Iran
M Salimi Beni, M Gholami Parashkoohi… - Environmental …, 2023 - sid.ir
The production of agricultural goods heavily depends on non-renewable resources like
fossil fuels. There are rising concerns that the continuous and excessive use of these inputs …
fossil fuels. There are rising concerns that the continuous and excessive use of these inputs …
Ultraäänen hyödyntäminen biomassan esikäsittelyssä
P Virtala - 2023 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Biomassaa saadaan runsaasti maatalousjätteenä sekä metsä-ja elintarviketeollisuuden
sivuvirtoina. Ilmastokriisin laajetessa biomassa tarjoaa uusiutuvan luonteensa ansiosta …
sivuvirtoina. Ilmastokriisin laajetessa biomassa tarjoaa uusiutuvan luonteensa ansiosta …