A review of the coordination chemistry of hydrothermal systems, or do coordination changes make ore deposits?
The hydration and complexation of metals in hydrothermal fluids are key processes
controlling the mobility of elements in the Earth's crust, leading to the formation of ore …
controlling the mobility of elements in the Earth's crust, leading to the formation of ore …
Chromium isotope geochemistry
Chromium consists of four stable isotopes (50Cr, 52Cr, 53Cr and 54Cr) with natural
abundances of 4.35%, 83.79%, 9.50% and 2.36%, respectively (Rossman and Taylor 1998) …
abundances of 4.35%, 83.79%, 9.50% and 2.36%, respectively (Rossman and Taylor 1998) …
[HTML][HTML] Experimental investigation of first-row transition elements partitioning between olivine and silicate melt: Implications for lunar basalt formation
Fifteen experiments at 1 atm pressure and 1400° C have been conducted to determine
partition coefficients between olivine and silicate melt (D Ol-m elt) of the first-row transition …
partition coefficients between olivine and silicate melt (D Ol-m elt) of the first-row transition …
Petrology of igneous clasts in Northwest Africa 7034: Implications for the petrologic diversity of the Martian crust
Abstract The martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034 was examined both
petrographically and geochemically using several micro-beam techniques including …
petrographically and geochemically using several micro-beam techniques including …
Chromium speciation and mobility in contaminated coastal urban soils affected by water salinity and redox conditions
Chromium (Cr) is a redox-sensitive element in contaminated coastal urban soils. Sea level
rise (SLR) with subsequent soil inundation may facilitate Cr transformation and mobilization …
rise (SLR) with subsequent soil inundation may facilitate Cr transformation and mobilization …
Redox variations in the inner solar system with new constraints from vanadium XANES in spinels
Many igneous rocks contain mineral assemblages that are not appropriate for application of
common mineral equilibria or oxybarometers to estimate oxygen fugacity. Spinel-structured …
common mineral equilibria or oxybarometers to estimate oxygen fugacity. Spinel-structured …
Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of Ni2CrBO5
NA Belskaya, EV Eremin, AD Vasiliev… - Journal of Magnetism …, 2024 - Elsevier
Ni 2 CrBO 5 has been synthesized and investigated by X-ray diffraction, dc magnetization,
and specific heat measurements. The unusual cation distribution has been established: the …
and specific heat measurements. The unusual cation distribution has been established: the …
High-temperature inter-mineral Cr isotope fractionation: A comparison of ionic model predictions and experimental investigations of mantle xenoliths from the North …
Recent works have proposed that chromium (Cr) isotopes could be fractionated during
peridotite partial melting and basaltic magma crystallization. However, until now, inter …
peridotite partial melting and basaltic magma crystallization. However, until now, inter …
The Redox state of the asthenospheric mantle and the onset of melting beneath mid‐ocean ridges
The redox state of the convective asthenospheric mantle governs the speciation of volatile
elements such as carbon and, therefore, influences the depth at which (redox) melting can …
elements such as carbon and, therefore, influences the depth at which (redox) melting can …
Mineral‐melt partitioning of redox‐sensitive elements
Elements with variable valence state (ie, redox‐sensitive) often show contrasting
mineral/melt partition coefficients as a function of oxygen fugacity (f O 2) in magmatic …
mineral/melt partition coefficients as a function of oxygen fugacity (f O 2) in magmatic …