Reproductive disorders in dairy cattle under semi-intensive system of rearing in North-Eastern India

MH Khan, K Manoj, S Pramod - Veterinary world, 2016 -
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the incidence of major reproductive problems of
dairy cattle reared under a semi-intensive system by small and marginal farmers in …

Serological and molecular evidence of Q fever in domestic ruminants in Bangladesh

MA Rahman, MM Alam, MA Islam… - Veterinary medicine …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The objective of this study was to know the herd and animal level prevalence of Q fever in
domestic ruminants in some selected districts in Bangladesh. Randomly collected 111 bulk …

Retrospective study of clinical diseases and disorders of cattle in Sirajganj district in Bangladesh

MAS Sarker, M Aktaruzzaman, A Rahman… - Bangladesh Journal of …, 2013 -
A retrospective-epidemiological study of cattle diseases/disorders was conducted at
Baghabari Milking zone of Bangladesh starting from June 2008 to May 2012. Out of 22066 …

A retrospective study of common diseases at veterinary teaching hospital, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh

YA Sarker, AH Miah, N Sharif, MH Himel… - Bangladesh Journal of …, 2015 -
A retrospective study was undertaken to determine the occurrence and distribution of
diseases based on species, age, sex, system affected, case type, causal agents and season …

[PDF][PDF] Oxidative stress and its effects on reproductive performance in thermally-stressed ewes

FE Sa'Ayinzat, EK Bawa, D Ogwu, JO Ayo - infertility, 2021 -
This paper reviewed the impact of thermally-induced oxidative stress on reproduction in
ewes. Thermally-induced oxidative stress is associated with excess generation of reactive …

[PDF][PDF] Infectious causes of abortion and its associated risk factor in sheep and goat in Ethiopia

A Gojam, D Tulu - Int J Vet Sci Technol, 2020 -
Several causative infectious agents are responsible for abortion causes in sheep and goats.
The economic and zoonotic significance of infectious causes of abortion remains of concern …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of abortion, calf mortality and proportion of cattle population in commercial dairy farms of Bangladesh

MA Parvez, MR Faruque, R Khatun - Res J Vet Pract, 2020 -
Abortion and calf mortality are representing significant economic loss in commercial dairy
farms all over the world. The present study aimed to investigate the abortion rate, calf …

[HTML][HTML] Principales trastornos reproductivos en búfalas y vacas en hatos mixtos y de una especie en el departamento de Caquetá, Colombia

JL Motta-Giraldo, I Waltero-García… - Revista de la Facultad …, 2014 -
Con el objetivo de determinar los principales problemas reproductivos en vacas y búfalas,
su frecuencia y la relación con variables climáticas, se seleccionaron 296 hembras bovinas …

[HTML][HTML] Dairy Production and Livelihood Scenario in Different Climatic Regions of Bangladesh

MR Hassan, S Sultana, EA Pehan, S Sultana… - Singap. J. Sci …, 2023 -
Dairy Production and Livelihood Scenario in Different Climatic Regions of Bangladesh Home
About Journal Information Editorial Team Publication Fee Subscription Information All Issues …

Temporal variation and risk factors associated with reproductive disorders in Hardhenu (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) dairy cattle

Pushpa, A Magotra, CS Patil, YC Bangar… - … in Domestic Animals, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This study aimed to investigate the incidence and effect of non‐genetic factors on
reproductive disorders in the Hardhenu cattle population over a period of 11 years (2010 …