Rule-based automatic multi-word term extraction and lemmatization

R Stanković, C Krstev, I Obradović, B Lazić, A Trtovac - LREC, 2016‏ -
In this paper we present a rule-based method for multi-word term extraction that relies on
extensive lexical resources in the form of electronic dictionaries and finite-state transducers …

От коллокаций к конструкциям

ЛМ Пивоварова, ЕВ Ягунова - Acta linguistica Petropolitana. Труды …, 2014‏ -
В статье обсуждаются направления исследования неоднослов-ных единиц,
выделяемых статистическим образом; статистические характеристики, описывающие …

Extending lexical association measures for collocation extraction

S Petrović, J Šnajder, BD Bašić - Computer Speech & Language, 2010‏ - Elsevier
Collocations are linguistic phenomena that occur when two or more words appear together
more often than by chance and whose meaning often cannot be inferred from the meanings …

Comparison of collocation extraction measures for document indexing

S Petrovic, J Snajder, B Dalbelo-Basic… - 28th International …, 2006‏ -
Automatic extraction of collocations from a corpus is a well-known problem in the field of
natural language processing. It is typically carried out by employing some kind of a statistical …

Multi-word discourse markers and their corpus-driven identification: The case of MWDM extraction from the reference corpus of spoken Slovene

K Dobrovoljc - International journal of corpus linguistics, 2017‏ -
With expanding evidence on the formulaic nature of human communication, there is a
growing need to extend discourse marker research to functionally analogue multi-word …

Semi-automatic extraction of multiword terms from domain-specific corpora

V Pajić, S Vujičić Stanković, R Stanković… - The Electronic …, 2018‏ -
Purpose A hybrid approach is presented, which combines linguistic and statistical
information to semi-automatically extract multiword term candidates from texts …

Automatic extraction of arabic multi-word terms

K Al Khatib, A Badarneh - Proceedings of the International …, 2010‏ -
Whereas a wide range of methods has been conducted to English multi-word terms (MWTs)
extraction, relatively few studied have been applied to Arabic MWTs extraction. In this paper …

[PDF][PDF] Automatic detection of stable grammatical features in n-grams

M Kopotev, L Pivovarova… - Workshop on …, 2013‏ -
This paper presents an algorithm that allows the user to issue a query pattern, collects multi-
word expressions (MWEs) that match the pattern, and then ranks them in a uniform fashion …

A study of association measures and their combination for Arabic MWT extraction

AE Mahdaouy, SEL Ouatik, E Gaussier - arxiv preprint arxiv:1409.3005, 2014‏ -
Automatic Multi-Word Term (MWT) extraction is a very important issue to many applications,
such as information retrieval, question answering, and text categorization. Although many …

[PDF][PDF] * MWELex–MWE Lexica of Croatian, Slovene and Serbian Extracted from Parsed Corpora

N Ljubešić, K Dobrovoljc, D Fišer - Informatica, 2015‏ -
V prispevku predstavimo vecjezicni leksikon* MWELex, ki vsebuje hrvaške, slovenske in
srbske vecbesedne zveze, ki smo jih izlušcili iz skladenjsko oznacenih korpusov. Leksikon …