[HTML][HTML] Recent progress in activity-based travel demand modeling: rising data and applicability

A Tajaddini, G Rose, KM Kockelman… - Models and technologies …, 2020 - intechopen.com
Over 30 years have passed since activity-based travel demand models (ABMs) emerged to
overcome the limitations of the preceding models which have dominated the field for over 50 …

A personalized mobility based intervention to promote pro-environmental travel behavior

S Ahmed, M Adnan, D Janssens, G Wets - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020 - Elsevier
The development of effective behavioral change strategies that will convince individuals to
voluntarily switch to pro-environmental travel behavior is a core research area for …

An integration modeling framework for individual-scale daily mobility estimation

N Luo, A Nara, HL Khoo, M Chen - Travel Behaviour and Society, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents a novel microsimulation framework (BayABM) that integrates population
synthesis, Bayesian Networks (BNs), and activity-based models (activity-BM) to model …

Multi-agent simulation for multi-mode travel policy to improve park and ride efficiency

Z Mei, D Wei, W Ding, D Wang, D Ma - Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
The efficiency of the existing park and ride transfer system is often restricted by the supply
level of public transport and parking shortage. We aim to analyze multiple policy scenarios …

An Activity Based integrated approach to model impacts of parking, hubs and new mobility concepts

L Knapen, M Adnan, B Kochan, T Bellemans… - Procedia Computer …, 2021 - Elsevier
Travel demand for the Metropolitan region Rotterdam-The Hague is predicted using a novel
tool chain. Non-classical tools are required to cope with the situation where parking supply …

Tools for Mobility Analysis: What are the challenges and solutions for planning and operations of mobility services?

AM Pereira, M Hykšová, O Přibyl… - 2022 Smart City …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper presents a new data model linking the key terms within the mobility filed to show
the flexible multidimensional relations among them, reflecting new trends and needs and …

Location disaggregation for zone based travel plans

L Knapen, M Adnan, T Bellemans - Procedia Computer Science, 2023 - Elsevier
Activity-based models predict locations at TAZ (travel analysis zone) level. Recent research
questions about carpooling, ride sharing, vehicle sharing, multi-modality, MaaS,... require …

[BOOK][B] Impact assessment of new mobility services using accelerated activity-based demand modeling

H Zhou - 2023 - core.ac.uk
1.1 Background We are living in a fast-evolving world. One of the reasons for this is that the
digital world has gotten closer to us since the first real smartphone came out in 2007 …

Public Acceptance of Green Mobility Policies: An Agent-Based Model

ML Kogler, A Thaller, D Reisinger - Conference of the European Social …, 2022 - Springer
We present an agent-based model to simulate policy acceptance for push and pull policy
measures. Push measures are generally perceived as restrictive and are often directed …

Bihevioralni pristup u sustavu sigurnoga javnog prijevoza

T Kozina - 2025 - repozitorij.unizg.hr
Sažetak Sustavi javnog prijevoza ključni su za funkcioniranje modernih gradova,
omogućavajući povezivanje urbanih i ruralnih područja te smanjenje prometnih gužvi i …