Image data augmentation approaches: A comprehensive survey and future directions
Deep learning algorithms have exhibited impressive performance across various computer
vision tasks; however, the challenge of overfitting persists, especially when dealing with …
vision tasks; however, the challenge of overfitting persists, especially when dealing with …
A survey of mix-based data augmentation: Taxonomy, methods, applications, and explainability
Data augmentation (DA) is indispensable in modern machine learning and deep neural
networks. The basic idea of DA is to construct new training data to improve the model's …
networks. The basic idea of DA is to construct new training data to improve the model's …
Comparing YOLOv3, YOLOv4 and YOLOv5 for autonomous landing spot detection in faulty UAVs
In-flight system failure is one of the major safety concerns in the operation of unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) in urban environments. To address this concern, a safety framework …
aerial vehicles (UAVs) in urban environments. To address this concern, a safety framework …
Simple copy-paste is a strong data augmentation method for instance segmentation
Building instance segmentation models that are data-efficient and can handle rare object
categories is an important challenge in computer vision. Leveraging data augmentations is a …
categories is an important challenge in computer vision. Leveraging data augmentations is a …
PillarNeXt: Rethinking network designs for 3D object detection in LiDAR point clouds
In order to deal with the sparse and unstructured raw point clouds, most LiDAR based 3D
object detection research focuses on designing dedicated local point aggregators for fine …
object detection research focuses on designing dedicated local point aggregators for fine …
A simple semi-supervised learning framework for object detection
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has a potential to improve the predictive performance of
machine learning models using unlabeled data. Although there has been remarkable recent …
machine learning models using unlabeled data. Although there has been remarkable recent …
Learning spatial fusion for single-shot object detection
Pyramidal feature representation is the common practice to address the challenge of scale
variation in object detection. However, the inconsistency across different feature scales is a …
variation in object detection. However, the inconsistency across different feature scales is a …
Polarmix: A general data augmentation technique for lidar point clouds
LiDAR point clouds, which are usually scanned by rotating LiDAR sensors continuously,
capture precise geometry of the surrounding environment and are crucial to many …
capture precise geometry of the surrounding environment and are crucial to many …
Idm: An intermediate domain module for domain adaptive person re-id
Unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification (UDA re-ID) aims at transferring the
labeled source domain's knowledge to improve the model's discriminability on the unlabeled …
labeled source domain's knowledge to improve the model's discriminability on the unlabeled …
Gaussian differential privacy
In the past decade, differential privacy has seen remarkable success as a rigorous and
practical formalization of data privacy. This privacy definition and its divergence based …
practical formalization of data privacy. This privacy definition and its divergence based …