MIMOPack: a high-performance computing library for MIMO communication systems

C Ramiro, AM Vidal, A Gonzalez - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2015 - Springer
This paper presents MIMOPack, a set of optimized functions to perform some of the most
complex stages in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems such as …

The design and implementation of a configurable MIMO detection system on the NOC-based multicore platform

PJ Hsu, YH Tseng, WJ Chen, CA Shen - Microelectronics Journal, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents the design and implementation of a configurable and scalable MIMO
detection system based on the multicore platform where the computation nodes are …

[HTML][HTML] Low-complexity soft ML detection for generalized spatial modulation

MÁ Simarro, VM García-Mollá, FJ Martínez-Zaldívar… - Signal Processing, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Generalized Spatial Modulation (GSM) is a recent Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
(MIMO) scheme, which achieves high spectral and energy efficiencies. Specifically, soft …

Maximum likelihood low-complexity GSM detection for large MIMO systems

VM Garcia-Molla, FJ Martínez-Zaldívar, MA Simarro… - Signal Processing, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Hard-Output Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection for Generalized Spatial
Modulation (GSM) systems involves obtaining the ML solution of a number of different MIMO …

[HTML][HTML] Unitary Space-Time Modulation Based on Coherent Codes

D Calabuig - Sensors, 2022 - mdpi.com
This paper analyzes the relationship between pilot symbol-assisted modulation (PSAM) and
unitary space-time modulation (USTM). In particular, we present a map that transforms any …

Parallel signal detection for generalized spatial modulation MIMO systems

VM Garcia-Molla, MA Simarro… - The Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Generalized Spatial Modulation is a recently developed technique that is designed
to enhance the efficiency of transmissions in MIMO Systems. However, the procedure for …

Sphere decoder with box optimisation for faster‐than‐Nyquist non‐orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

M Guo, J Zhou, Y Lu, Y Qiao - IET Communications, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In 1975, JE Mazo showed the potential faster‐than‐Nyquist (FTN) gain of the single‐carrier
binary signal. If the inter‐symbol interference is eliminated by an optimal detector, FTN …

Maximum likelihood soft-output detection through Sphere Decoding combined with box optimization

VM Garcia-Molla, MA Simarro, FJ Martínez-Zaldívar… - Signal Processing, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the improvement of known algorithms for maximum likelihood soft-
output detection. These algorithms usually have large computational complexity, that can be …

Soft MIMO detection through sphere decoding and box optimization

MÁ Simarro, VM Garcia-Mollá, A Vidal… - Signal Processing, 2018 - Elsevier
Achieving optimal detection performance with low complexity is one of the major challenges,
mainly in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection. This paper presents three low …

Effi cient algorithms for iterative detection and decoding in Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Communication Systems

M Simarro Haro - 2017 - riunet.upv.es
La present tesi s' emmarca dins dels sistemes de comunicacions de múltiples antenes o
sistemes MIMO. Avui dia, aquestos sistemes presenten una de les tecnologies més …