Neuroimaging-based individualized prediction of cognition and behavior for mental disorders and health: methods and promises
The neuroimaging community has witnessed a paradigm shift in biomarker discovery from
using traditional univariate brain map** approaches to multivariate predictive models …
using traditional univariate brain map** approaches to multivariate predictive models …
The challenges and prospects of brain-based prediction of behaviour
Relating individual brain patterns to behaviour is fundamental in system neuroscience.
Recently, the predictive modelling approach has become increasingly popular, largely due …
Recently, the predictive modelling approach has become increasingly popular, largely due …
Task-induced brain connectivity promotes the detection of individual differences in brain-behavior relationships
Although both resting and task-induced functional connectivity (FC) have been used to
characterize the human brain and cognitive abilities, the potential of task-induced FCs in …
characterize the human brain and cognitive abilities, the potential of task-induced FCs in …
Gender differences in connectome-based predictions of individualized intelligence quotient and sub-domain scores
Scores on intelligence tests are strongly predictive of various important life outcomes.
However, the gender discrepancy on intelligence quotient (IQ) prediction using brain …
However, the gender discrepancy on intelligence quotient (IQ) prediction using brain …
A brain-based general measure of attention
Attention is central to many aspects of cognition, but there is no singular neural measure of a
person's overall attentional functioning across tasks. Here, using original data from 92 …
person's overall attentional functioning across tasks. Here, using original data from 92 …
Crosstalk between existential phenomenological psychotherapy and neurological sciences in mood and anxiety disorders
Psychotherapy is a comprehensive biological treatment modifying complex underlying
cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and regulatory responses in the brain, leading patients with …
cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and regulatory responses in the brain, leading patients with …
Altered dynamic functional connectivity of cuneus in schizophrenia patients: a resting-state fMRI study
Objective: Schizophrenia (SZ) is a functional mental condition that has a significant impact
on patients' social lives. As a result, accurate diagnosis of SZ has attracted researchers' …
on patients' social lives. As a result, accurate diagnosis of SZ has attracted researchers' …
RDoC and psychopathology among youth: Misplaced assumptions and an agenda for future research
Now over 10 years old, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) has gained impressive
traction in the adult psychopathology literature, but enthusiasm among child and adolescent …
traction in the adult psychopathology literature, but enthusiasm among child and adolescent …
[HTML][HTML] Connectome-based models can predict processing speed in older adults
Decrement in processing speed (PS) is a primary cognitive morbidity in clinical populations
and could significantly influence other cognitive functions, such as attention and memory …
and could significantly influence other cognitive functions, such as attention and memory …
Cross‐cohort replicable resting‐state functional connectivity in predicting symptoms and cognition of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia (SZ) is a debilitating mental illness characterized by adolescence or early
adulthood onset of psychosis, positive and negative symptoms, as well as cognitive …
adulthood onset of psychosis, positive and negative symptoms, as well as cognitive …