[HTML][HTML] Drug-eluting stents for coronary artery disease in the perspective of bibliometric analysis
Y Zeng, J Xu, Y Deng, X Li, W Chen… - Frontiers in …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
Drug-eluting stents (DES) play a crucial role in treating coronary artery disease (CAD) by
preventing restenosis. These stents are coated with drug carriers that release …
preventing restenosis. These stents are coated with drug carriers that release …
[HTML][HTML] Implantable Biosensors for Vascular Diseases: Directions for the Next Generation of Active Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medical Device Technologies
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.
Key challenges such as atherosclerosis, in-stent restenosis, and maintaining arteriovenous …
Key challenges such as atherosclerosis, in-stent restenosis, and maintaining arteriovenous …
[HTML][HTML] 3D printed stents using Fused deposition modelling
Abstract 3D printing has emerged as an appealing technology for designing and
manufacturing bioresorbable stents. This innovative technology enables the creation of a …
manufacturing bioresorbable stents. This innovative technology enables the creation of a …
[HTML][HTML] 3D printed polymeric stent design: Mechanical testing and computational modeling
Polymer-based bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) aim to reduce the long-term issues
associated with metal stents. Yet, first-generation BRS designs experienced a significantly …
associated with metal stents. Yet, first-generation BRS designs experienced a significantly …
[HTML][HTML] Bioengineering the Heart: Harnessing Biomaterials for Innovative Cardiovascular Interventions
WB Jang, SM Kwon - Journal of Cardiovascular Intervention, 2024 - e-jci.org
Biomaterials play a crucial role in cardiovascular interventions, influencing biocompatibility,
mechanical properties, inflammatory responses, tissue regeneration, angiogenesis, and …
mechanical properties, inflammatory responses, tissue regeneration, angiogenesis, and …
[PDF][PDF] Последние достижения интервенционной кардиологии: обзор литературы
ЕЮ Романова, ЕА Мунина, АМ Байрамукова… - recipe.by
Результаты. Первичный поиск по ключевым фразам в двух базах данных привел к
обнаружению 28 575 ссылок. После устранения малоинформативных, дублирующих …
обнаружению 28 575 ссылок. После устранения малоинформативных, дублирующих …
[PDF][PDF] Paklitakseli-lääkeainepallon käyttö femoropopliteaalialueen valtimotaudin hoidossa ja sen vaikutus kuolleisuuteen pitkäaikaisseurannassa
K Koivusalo - 2024 - erepo.uef.fi
Alaraajojen tukkiva valtimotauti, joka tunnetaan myös nimillä perifeerinen valtimotauti ja
ASO-tauti, on alaraajoihin johtavien valtimoiden sairaus, jossa valtimot ahtautuvat vähitellen …
ASO-tauti, on alaraajoihin johtavien valtimoiden sairaus, jossa valtimot ahtautuvat vähitellen …