Crystalline: Lowering the cost for developers to collect and organize information for decision making
Developers perform online sensemaking on a daily basis, such as researching and
choosing libraries and APIs. Prior research has introduced tools that help developers …
choosing libraries and APIs. Prior research has introduced tools that help developers …
FAME: supporting continuous requirements elicitation by combining user feedback and monitoring
Context: Software evolution ensures that software systems in use stay up to date and
provide value for end-users. However, it is challenging for requirements engineers to …
provide value for end-users. However, it is challenging for requirements engineers to …
CSEPM-a continuous software engineering process metamodel
Software engineers have to cope with uncertainties and changing requirements. Agile
methods provide flexibility towards changes and the emergence of continuous delivery has …
methods provide flexibility towards changes and the emergence of continuous delivery has …
How do practitioners capture and utilize user feedback during continuous software engineering?
Continuous software engineering (CSE) evolved as a process for rapid software evolution.
Continuous delivery enables developers to frequently retrieve user feedback on the latest …
Continuous delivery enables developers to frequently retrieve user feedback on the latest …
Investigating user feedback from a crowd in requirements management in software ecosystems
Requirements management is a process that aims to ensure that the needs of stakeholders
are met through delivering adequate and quality software products. However, requirements …
are met through delivering adequate and quality software products. However, requirements …
Prioritizing Software Requirements by Combining the Usage Monitoring and User Feedback Data
SS Tanveer, ZA Rana - IEEE Access, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The elicitation of requirements for systems in use is known as continuous requirements
elicitation. Monitoring and feedback data have been used in the literature for the continuous …
elicitation. Monitoring and feedback data have been used in the literature for the continuous …
In Situ AI Prototy**: Infusing Multimodal Prompts into Mobile Settings with MobileMaker
Recent advances in multimodal large language models (LLMs) have made it easier to
rapidly prototype AI-powered features, especially for mobile use cases. However, gathering …
rapidly prototype AI-powered features, especially for mobile use cases. However, gathering …
Feedback gathering from an industrial point of view
Feedback communication channels allow end-users to express their needs, which can be
considered in software development and evolution. Although feedback gathering and …
considered in software development and evolution. Although feedback gathering and …
Crowd-focused semi-automated requirements engineering for evolution towards sustainability
Continuous requirements elicitation is an essential aspect of software product evolution to
keep systems aligned with changing user needs. However, current requirements …
keep systems aligned with changing user needs. However, current requirements …
Context-aware scheduling in personal data collection from multiple wearable devices
Due to the prevalence of smartphones and various wearable devices, the collection of rich
personal data that can be used for human activity recognition, user modeling, and …
personal data that can be used for human activity recognition, user modeling, and …