[کتاب][B] Game sense: Pedagogy for performance, participation and enjoyment
R Light - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Game Sense is an exciting and innovative approach to coaching and physical education
that places the game at the heart of the session. It encourages the player to develop skills in …
that places the game at the heart of the session. It encourages the player to develop skills in …
[PDF][PDF] A investigação sobre modelos de ensino dos jogos desportivos
A Graça, I Mesquita - 2007 - scielo.pt
RESUMO O objectivo deste artigo é o de fazer uma revisão da literatura relativa aos dois
modelos mais marcantes na actualidade no que respeita ao ensino dos jogos desportivos, o …
modelos mais marcantes na actualidade no que respeita ao ensino dos jogos desportivos, o …
A tactical-game approach and enhancement of metacognitive behaviour in elementary school students
Background:'Teaching games for understanding'(TGfU) is a tactical-game approach to
teaching, in which participants are learning via the processes intrinsic to the games …
teaching, in which participants are learning via the processes intrinsic to the games …
Evaluating the impact of a coach development intervention for improving coaching practices in junior football (soccer): The “MASTER” pilot study
The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the impact of a novel coach development
intervention (MASTER) on coaching practices of football coaches. The study involved six …
intervention (MASTER) on coaching practices of football coaches. The study involved six …
[PDF][PDF] Blended learning approach using frog vle platform towards students' achievement in teaching games for understanding
It was reported that blended learning approach using Frog Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) platform by teachers at Malaysian secondary schools were at low level. The report …
(VLE) platform by teachers at Malaysian secondary schools were at low level. The report …
An appreciative inquiry exploring game sense teaching in physical education
This paper reports on research framed as a strengths-based appreciative inquiry (AI) into the
use of a game sense (GS) approach for sport and games teaching in physical education …
use of a game sense (GS) approach for sport and games teaching in physical education …
Evaluating the impact of a coach development intervention for improving coaching practices and player outcomes in netball: the MASTER coaching randomized …
The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the impact of a novel 8-week
coach development intervention (MASTER) on game-based coaching practices of netball …
coach development intervention (MASTER) on game-based coaching practices of netball …
Similar, but not the same: comparing the game based approaches of teaching games for understanding (TGfU) and Game Sense
The development and use of game based approaches (GBAs) across a range of global
teaching and coaching settings has expanded significantly over the last two decades. And …
teaching and coaching settings has expanded significantly over the last two decades. And …
Teaching styles of Australian tennis coaches: An exploration of practices and insights using Mosston and Ashworth's Spectrum of teaching styles
MC Hewitt - 2015 - research.usq.edu.au
Many educational theorists believe that there is no best teaching style. A common principle
in the discipline of sports coaching is that coaches should base their teaching style (s) on a …
in the discipline of sports coaching is that coaches should base their teaching style (s) on a …
[PDF][PDF] Why public primary schools need specialist PE teachers
Physical education (PE) in Australian public primary schools is often neglected despite the
recommendations from the government and professional education associations. State …
recommendations from the government and professional education associations. State …