Current research on parenting styles, dimensions, and beliefs
JG Smetana - Current opinion in psychology, 2017 - Elsevier
Highlights•Research has shifted to study parenting in terms of dimensions, not global
styles.•Progress has been made in specifying different forms of control.•Different beliefs …
styles.•Progress has been made in specifying different forms of control.•Different beliefs …
Prosocial development
In this chapter, we distinguish between different forms of empathy-related responding (ie,
empathy, sympathy, personal distress) and prosocial behavior. The capacity for empathy …
empathy, sympathy, personal distress) and prosocial behavior. The capacity for empathy …
[Књига][B] The evolved apprentice
K Sterelny - 2012 - books.google.com
" Over the last three million years or so, our lineage has diverged sharply from those of our
great ape relatives. Change has been rapid (in evolutionary terms) and pervasive …
great ape relatives. Change has been rapid (in evolutionary terms) and pervasive …
[PDF][PDF] Origins and development of morality
Morality is a central aspect of social life and has been at the core of psychological theories
for more than a century. The scientific study of morality poses enduring questions about how …
for more than a century. The scientific study of morality poses enduring questions about how …
The social domain approach to children's moral and social judgments
Judith G. Smetana, Marc Jambon, and Courtney Ball 24 largely emotional, nonrational, and
based on implicit processes (eg, Haidt, 2001). As Turiel (2010) has stated,“Thought and …
based on implicit processes (eg, Haidt, 2001). As Turiel (2010) has stated,“Thought and …
[Књига][B] Shame and guilt
JP Tangney, RL Dearing - 2003 - books.google.com
Shame and guilt, while the focus of attention among scholars and clinicians for generations,
have only recently been subjected to systematic empirical scrutiny. This volume reports on …
have only recently been subjected to systematic empirical scrutiny. This volume reports on …
Impact of parental discipline methods on the child's internalization of values: A reconceptualization of current points of view.
JE Grusec, JJ Goodnow - Developmental psychology, 1994 - psycnet.apa.org
It is generally argued that parental use of specific discipline techniques (eg, reasoning vs.
power assertion) differentially affects a child's internalization. This article offers an expanded …
power assertion) differentially affects a child's internalization. This article offers an expanded …
[Књига][B] Business ethics: Concepts and cases
MG Velasquez - 2018 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
This book is one of the most widely used texts on business ethics today and remains popular
among students because of its accessible style and lucid explanations of complex theories …
among students because of its accessible style and lucid explanations of complex theories …
[Књига][B] The two sexes: Growing up apart, coming together
EE Maccoby - 1998 - books.google.com
How does being male or female shape us? And what, aside from obvious anatomical
differences, does being male or female mean? In this book, the distinguished psychologist …
differences, does being male or female mean? In this book, the distinguished psychologist …
Positive youth development in the United States: History, efficacy, and links to moral and character education
In the 20th century, childhood and adolescence came to be increasingly regarded as special
periods of development in which children were provided extra support to learn and develop …
periods of development in which children were provided extra support to learn and develop …