Understanding the complexity of catch-and-release in recreational fishing: an integrative synthesis of global knowledge from historical, ethical, social, and biological …
Most research on catch-and-release (C&R) in recreational fishing has been conducted from
a disciplinary angle focusing on the biological sciences and the study of hooking mortality …
a disciplinary angle focusing on the biological sciences and the study of hooking mortality …
Documented and potential biological impacts of recreational fishing: insights for management and conservation
While the impacts of high exploitation on fish populations and aquatic ecosystems are well-
documented for commercial fishing, particularly in the marine environment, the potential …
documented for commercial fishing, particularly in the marine environment, the potential …
Effects of common carp on aquatic ecosystems 80 years after “carp as a dominant”: ecological insights for fisheries management
The introduction of fishes into habitats outside their native range may result in dramatic
ecosystem alterations. Circumpolar introductions of common carp Cyprinus carpio …
ecosystem alterations. Circumpolar introductions of common carp Cyprinus carpio …
Recreational fisheries: socioeconomic importance, conservation issues and management challenges
Human exploitation of fish and other aquatic animals such as crustaceans and mammals is
virtually ubiquitous on Earth and since ancient times has provided humanity with food …
virtually ubiquitous on Earth and since ancient times has provided humanity with food …
Experimental Evidence from Causal Criteria Analysis for the Effects of Common Carp Cyprinus carpio on Freshwater Ecosystems: A Global Perspective
As the most widely distributed freshwater fish worldwide, common carp Cyprinus carpio can
be either invasive or “naturalized” in most areas of introduction. This leads to different levels …
be either invasive or “naturalized” in most areas of introduction. This leads to different levels …
What makes fish vulnerable to capture by hooks? A conceptual framework and a review of key determinants
Considerable time and money are expended in the pursuit of catching fish with hooks (eg,
handlining, angling, longlining, trolling, drumlining) across the recreational, commercial and …
handlining, angling, longlining, trolling, drumlining) across the recreational, commercial and …
Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish
The extreme body sizes of megafishes associated with their high commercial values and
recreational interests have made them highly threatened in their native range worldwide by …
recreational interests have made them highly threatened in their native range worldwide by …
The underestimated dynamics and impacts of water-based recreational activities on freshwater ecosystems
Recreational activities on, in, and along freshwaters (eg, boating, bathing, angling) positively
contribute to human well-being but can also concurrently stress aquatic ecosystems. While …
contribute to human well-being but can also concurrently stress aquatic ecosystems. While …
A conceptual framework to identify and understand conflicts in recreational fisheries systems, with implications for sustainable management.
R Arlinghaus - 2005 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Recreational fisheries constitute the dominant fisheries activity in freshwater ecosystems of
most countries of the temperate regions. Yet, research on recreational fisheries appears …
most countries of the temperate regions. Yet, research on recreational fisheries appears …
Relationships among invasive common carp, native fishes and physicochemical characteristics in upper Midwest (USA) lakes
Common carp Cyprinus carpio is a widespread invasive species that, in high abundance,
can impose numerous deleterious effects in aquatic ecosystems. Common carp increase …
can impose numerous deleterious effects in aquatic ecosystems. Common carp increase …