Trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential as a quark–antiquark interaction potential for meson properties in the non-relativistic quark model using EAIM

M Abu-Shady, SY Ezz-Alarab - Few-body systems, 2019‏ - Springer
Abstract Trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential is suggested as a quark–antiquark
interaction potential for studying thermodynamic properties and masses of heavy and heavy …

Quantum information entropies for an asymmetric trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential

GH Sun, SH Dong, N Saad - Annalen der Physik, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Shannon entropy for the position and momentum eigenstates of an asymmetric trigonometric
Rosen–Morse potential for the ground and first excited states is evaluated. The position and …

Analytical solution of N-dimensional Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations with Rosen-Morse potential

TT Ibrahim, KJ Oyewumi, SM Wyngaardt - The European Physical Journal …, 2012‏ - Springer
The solutions of the N-dimensional Klein-Gordon and Dirac wave equations with equal
scalar and vector Rosen-Morse potentials are studied. The energy equations and the radial …

Spectral manipulation of the trigonometric Rosen-Morse potential through supersymmetry

DJ Fernández, R Reyes - Physica Scripta, 2021‏ -
The first and second-order supersymmetry transformations can be used to manipulate one
or two energy levels of the initial spectrum when generating new exactly solvable …

A study of a relativistic quark-diquark model for the nucleon

C Gutierrez, M De Sanctis - The European Physical Journal A, 2014‏ - Springer
We develop a specific quark-diquark constituent model for the study of the nucleon and its
excited states. A relativistic kinetic energy operator is used for both the quark and the …

[PDF][PDF] Analytical Solutions of Schrödinger Equation with Generalized Hyperbolic Potential Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method

AN Ikot - The African Review of Physics, 2012‏ -
The exact solution of Schrödinger equation for the generalized hyperbolic potential are
presented using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The wave function and energy equation are …

Generation of new classes of exactly solvable potentials

SAS Ahmed, L Buragohain - Physica Scripta, 2009‏ -
Exact analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation are obtained for the classes of newly
constructed hyperbolic type of potentials which are generated from the Eckart and …

Modelling duality between bound and resonant meson spectra by means of free quantum motions on the de Sitter space-time dS4

M Kirchbach, CB Compean - The European Physical Journal A, 2016‏ - Springer
The real parts of the complex squared energies defined by the resonance poles of the
transfer matrix of the Pöschl-Teller barrier, are shown to equal the squared energies of the …

Rosen–Morse potential and its supersymmetric partners

S Domínguez-Hernández, DJ Fernández C - International Journal of …, 2011‏ - Springer
Rosen–Morse Potential and Its Supersymmetric Partners Page 1 Int J Theor Phys (2011) 50:1993–2001
DOI 10.1007/s10773-010-0522-z Rosen–Morse Potential and Its Supersymmetric Partners …

Gazeau–Klauder coherent states for trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential

A Chenaghlou, O Faizy - Journal of mathematical physics, 2008‏ -
The Gazeau–Klauder coherent states for the trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential are
constructed. It is shown that the resolution of unity, temporal stability, and action identity …