Trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential as a quark–antiquark interaction potential for meson properties in the non-relativistic quark model using EAIM
Abstract Trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential is suggested as a quark–antiquark
interaction potential for studying thermodynamic properties and masses of heavy and heavy …
interaction potential for studying thermodynamic properties and masses of heavy and heavy …
Quantum information entropies for an asymmetric trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential
Shannon entropy for the position and momentum eigenstates of an asymmetric trigonometric
Rosen–Morse potential for the ground and first excited states is evaluated. The position and …
Rosen–Morse potential for the ground and first excited states is evaluated. The position and …
Analytical solution of N-dimensional Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations with Rosen-Morse potential
The solutions of the N-dimensional Klein-Gordon and Dirac wave equations with equal
scalar and vector Rosen-Morse potentials are studied. The energy equations and the radial …
scalar and vector Rosen-Morse potentials are studied. The energy equations and the radial …
Spectral manipulation of the trigonometric Rosen-Morse potential through supersymmetry
The first and second-order supersymmetry transformations can be used to manipulate one
or two energy levels of the initial spectrum when generating new exactly solvable …
or two energy levels of the initial spectrum when generating new exactly solvable …
A study of a relativistic quark-diquark model for the nucleon
We develop a specific quark-diquark constituent model for the study of the nucleon and its
excited states. A relativistic kinetic energy operator is used for both the quark and the …
excited states. A relativistic kinetic energy operator is used for both the quark and the …
[PDF][PDF] Analytical Solutions of Schrödinger Equation with Generalized Hyperbolic Potential Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method
The exact solution of Schrödinger equation for the generalized hyperbolic potential are
presented using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The wave function and energy equation are …
presented using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. The wave function and energy equation are …
Generation of new classes of exactly solvable potentials
SAS Ahmed, L Buragohain - Physica Scripta, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
Exact analytic solutions of the Schrödinger equation are obtained for the classes of newly
constructed hyperbolic type of potentials which are generated from the Eckart and …
constructed hyperbolic type of potentials which are generated from the Eckart and …
Modelling duality between bound and resonant meson spectra by means of free quantum motions on the de Sitter space-time dS4
The real parts of the complex squared energies defined by the resonance poles of the
transfer matrix of the Pöschl-Teller barrier, are shown to equal the squared energies of the …
transfer matrix of the Pöschl-Teller barrier, are shown to equal the squared energies of the …
Rosen–Morse potential and its supersymmetric partners
Rosen–Morse Potential and Its Supersymmetric Partners Page 1 Int J Theor Phys (2011) 50:1993–2001
DOI 10.1007/s10773-010-0522-z Rosen–Morse Potential and Its Supersymmetric Partners …
DOI 10.1007/s10773-010-0522-z Rosen–Morse Potential and Its Supersymmetric Partners …
Gazeau–Klauder coherent states for trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential
The Gazeau–Klauder coherent states for the trigonometric Rosen–Morse potential are
constructed. It is shown that the resolution of unity, temporal stability, and action identity …
constructed. It is shown that the resolution of unity, temporal stability, and action identity …