Aluminum in plant: Benefits, toxicity and tolerance mechanisms
Aluminum (Al) is the third most ubiquitous metal in the earth's crust. A decrease in soil pH
below 5 increases its solubility and availability. However, its impact on plants depends …
below 5 increases its solubility and availability. However, its impact on plants depends …
Toxicity of aluminium on various levels of plant cells and organism: a review
Industrial revolution brought prodigious encroachment on agricultural productivity but at
apparent environmental costs. One of the major unfortunate consequences of …
apparent environmental costs. One of the major unfortunate consequences of …
Pectin methylesterases: cell wall remodeling proteins are required for plant response to heat stress
Heat stress (HS) is expected to be of increasing worldwide concern in the near future,
especially with regard to crop yield and quality as a consequence of rising or varying …
especially with regard to crop yield and quality as a consequence of rising or varying …
Boron supply alleviates cadmium toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by enhancing cadmium adsorption on cell wall and triggering antioxidant defense system in roots
Cadmium (Cd) pollution is a key concern globally that affects plant growth and productivity.
Boron (B) is a micronutrient that helps in the formation of the primary cell wall (CW) and …
Boron (B) is a micronutrient that helps in the formation of the primary cell wall (CW) and …
Engineering plants for heavy metal stress tolerance
Plants are continuously exposed to abiotic environmental pressures. One of principal abiotic
stress factors is heavy metal (HM), which as edaphic contaminants is noteworthy …
stress factors is heavy metal (HM), which as edaphic contaminants is noteworthy …
The Role of the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase in Plant Responses to Aluminum Toxicity
J Zhang, J Wei, D Li, X Kong, Z Rengel… - Frontiers in plant …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a key factor limiting plant growth and crop production on acid soils.
Increasing the plant Al-detoxification capacity and/or breeding Al-resistant cultivars are a …
Increasing the plant Al-detoxification capacity and/or breeding Al-resistant cultivars are a …
Mechanisms of organic acids and boron induced tolerance of aluminum toxicity: A review
Aluminum is a major limiting abiotic factor for plant growth and productivity on acidic soils.
The primary disorder of aluminum toxicity is the rapid cessation of root elongation. The root …
The primary disorder of aluminum toxicity is the rapid cessation of root elongation. The root …
Phytohormone signalling and cross-talk to alleviate aluminium toxicity in plants
Aluminium (Al) is one of the most abundant metals in earth crust, which becomes toxic to the
plants growing in acidic soil. Phytohormones like ethylene, auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid …
plants growing in acidic soil. Phytohormones like ethylene, auxin, cytokinin, abscisic acid …
Boron alleviates aluminum toxicity by promoting root alkalization in transition zone via polar auxin transport
X Li, Y Li, J Mai, L Tao, M Qu, J Liu, R Shen… - Plant …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Boron (B) alleviates aluminum (Al) toxicity in higher plants; however, the underlying
mechanisms behind this phenomenon remain unknown. Here, we used bromocresol green …
mechanisms behind this phenomenon remain unknown. Here, we used bromocresol green …
Ameliorative effects of boron on aluminum induced variations of cell wall cellulose and pectin components in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliate (L.) Raf.) rootstock
Aluminum (Al) phytotoxicity is a major limitation in the production of crops in the soils with
pH≤ 5. Boron (B) is indispensable nutrient for the development of higher plants and B role …
pH≤ 5. Boron (B) is indispensable nutrient for the development of higher plants and B role …