Fill the silence! Basics for modeling hesitation

S Betz, L Kosmala - Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech 2019, 2019 -
In order to model hesitations for technical applications such as conversational speech
synthesis, it is desirable to understand interactions between individual hesitation markers. In …

A multimodal contrastive study of (dis) fluency across languages and settings: Towards a multidimensional scale of inter-(dis) fluency

L Kosmala - 2021 -
The research presented in this thesis deals with so-called “disfluency” phenomena, a topic
of study traditionally concerned with the annotation of a priori “disfluent” forms, such as “uh” …

On the specificities of L1 and L2 (dis) fluencies and the interactional multimodal strategies of L2 speakers in tandem interactions

L Kosmala - Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, 2021 -
'Disfluencies', defined as a suspension of speech, are usually more frequent in L2 than in
L1, which is said to be related to the learners' proficiency level.'Disfluency'or 'fluency'have …

Euh le saviez-vous? le rôle des (dis) fluences en contexte interactionnel: étude exploratoire et qualitative

L Kosmala - SHS Web of Conferences, 2020 -
Cette étude exploratoire s' inscrit dans un projet d'analyse des (dis) fluences sur un corpus
français oral spontané et préparé qui prend en compte les différentes modalités du discours …

On the multifunctionality and multimodality of silent pauses in native and non-native interactions

L Kosmala - 1st International Seminar on the Foundations of …, 2019 -
This paper explores the multifunctional uses of silent pauses, adopting a multimodal
perspective. Pauses are said to serve numerous functions in speech, and this small …

[CARTE][B] Beyond disfluency: The interplay of speech, gesture, and interaction

L Kosmala - 2024 -
This book pioneers a tridimensional approach to (dis) fluency, evaluating fluency across
three different dimensions, mainly speech, gesture, and interaction. Drawing from an …

Evaluating pause particles and their functions in natural and synthesized speech in laboratory and lecture settings

M Elmers - 2023 -
Pause-internal phonetic particles (PINTs) comprise a variety of phenomena including:
phonetic-acoustic silence, inhalation and exhalation breath noises, filler particles “uh” and …

Gestures and pauses to help thought: hands, voice, and silence in the tourist guide's speech

A Chiera, A Ansani, I Sessa, V Cataldo, L Schettino… - Cognitive …, 2023 - Springer
In the body of research on the relationship between gesture and speech, some models
propose they form an integrated system while others attribute gestures a compensatory role …

Linguistic Considerations on the Awkward Silence

S Betz - Silence and Its Derivatives: Conversations Across …, 2022 - Springer
It is a widely known phenomenon that silence among people engaged in dialogue can be
awkward. In linguistic terms, the awkward silence could be understood as a silence …

[PDF][PDF] Hesitation Processing Analysis Using Continuous Mouse-Tracking and Gamification

S Betz, É Székely, S Zarrieß, M Schröer… - … . Tagungsband der 31 …, 2020 -
We present a new take on mouse-tracking to analyze online processing of speech. We
expand current paradigms by embedding the task into a drag & drop game that awards a …