Dynamic Jahn–Teller Phenomena in Heavy Transition Metal Compounds
N Iwahara - Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 2024 - journals.jps.jp
This paper reviews recent experimental and theoretical developments of the dynamic Jahn–
Teller effect-driven phenomena in heavy transition metal based spin–orbit Mott insulators. In …
Teller effect-driven phenomena in heavy transition metal based spin–orbit Mott insulators. In …
High-resolution absorption spectroscopy of room-temperature and jet-cooled ammonia between 59,000 and 93,000 cm− 1
We present new high-resolution photoabsorption spectra of ammonia spanning the region
between 59,000 cm− 1 and 93,000 cm− 1 that were recorded by using the Fourier Transform …
between 59,000 cm− 1 and 93,000 cm− 1 that were recorded by using the Fourier Transform …
Revisiting the (E+ A)⊗(e+ a) problems of polyatomic systems with trigonal symmetry: general expansions of their vibronic Hamiltonians
In this work, we derive general expansions in vibrational coordinates for the (E+ A)⊗(e+ a)
vibronic Hamiltonians of molecules with one and only one C3 axis. We first derive the …
vibronic Hamiltonians of molecules with one and only one C3 axis. We first derive the …
Colin Western (1957-2021)
This Special Issue of the Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy is in honor of Dr Colin M.
Western, who died on 21st September 2021. Colin was an undergraduate and postgraduate …
Western, who died on 21st September 2021. Colin was an undergraduate and postgraduate …
[CARTE][B] Inelastic Scattering Studies of Ammonia Isotopologues for Astrophysical Applications
A Saha - 2018 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
In this thesis we present experimental studies of inelastic scattering of the astrophysically
important molecule deuterated ammonia, ND3 with Ar, He and H2 and resonance enhanced …
important molecule deuterated ammonia, ND3 with Ar, He and H2 and resonance enhanced …