Form, function and evolution of the human hand
The modern human hand is an intriguing mix of primitive morphology and derived function.
Traditionally, its form and function are explained as a functional “trade‐off” between the …
Traditionally, its form and function are explained as a functional “trade‐off” between the …
African apes and the evolutionary history of orthogrady and bipedalism
Since the first discovery of human fossils in the mid‐19th century, two subjects—our
phylogenetic relationship to living and fossil apes and the ancestral locomotor behaviors …
phylogenetic relationship to living and fossil apes and the ancestral locomotor behaviors …
Ardipithecus hand provides evidence that humans and chimpanzees evolved from an ancestor with suspensory adaptations
The morphology and positional behavior of the last common ancestor of humans and
chimpanzees are critical for understanding the evolution of bipedalism. Early 20th century …
chimpanzees are critical for understanding the evolution of bipedalism. Early 20th century …
Nature and relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis
A partial left femur (TM 266-01-063) was recovered in July 2001 at Toros-Menalla, Chad, at
the same fossiliferous location as the late Miocene holotype of Sahelanthropus tchadensis …
the same fossiliferous location as the late Miocene holotype of Sahelanthropus tchadensis …
Divergence-time estimates for hominins provide insight into encephalization and body mass trends in human evolution
Quantifying speciation times during human evolution is fundamental as it provides a
timescale to test for the correlation between key evolutionary transitions and extrinsic factors …
timescale to test for the correlation between key evolutionary transitions and extrinsic factors …
A three‐dimensional musculoskeletal model of the pelvis and lower limb of Australopithecus afarensis
Objectives Musculoskeletal modeling is a powerful approach for studying the biomechanics
and energetics of locomotion. Australopithecus (A.) afarensis is among the best represented …
and energetics of locomotion. Australopithecus (A.) afarensis is among the best represented …
Ardipithecus ramidus postcrania from the Gona Project area, Afar regional state, Ethiopia
Functional analyses of the 4.4 Ma hominin Ardipithecus ramidus postcrania revealed a
previously unknown and unpredicted locomotor pattern combining arboreal clambering and …
previously unknown and unpredicted locomotor pattern combining arboreal clambering and …
Sex estimation from the calcaneus and talus using discriminant function analysis and its possible application in fossil remains
Foot bones have been shown to be sexually dimorphic and they are frequently used for sex
estimation. In this study, we estimated the sex based on the calcaneus and the talus of a …
estimation. In this study, we estimated the sex based on the calcaneus and the talus of a …
A chimpanzee enamel-diet δ13C enrichment factor and a refined enamel sampling strategy: Implications for dietary reconstructions
Reconstructing diets from stable carbon isotopic signals in enamel bioapatite requires the
application of a δ 13 C enamel-diet enrichment factor, or the isotopic offset between diet and …
application of a δ 13 C enamel-diet enrichment factor, or the isotopic offset between diet and …
Human and African ape myosin heavy chain content and the evolution of hominin skeletal muscle
Humans are unique among terrestrial mammals in our manner of walking and running,
reflecting 7 to 8 Ma of musculoskeletal evolution since diverging with the genus Pan. One …
reflecting 7 to 8 Ma of musculoskeletal evolution since diverging with the genus Pan. One …