Quantum networks theory

P Arrighi, A Durbec, M Wilson - Quantum, 2024 - quantum-journal.org
The formalism of quantum theory over discrete systems is extended in two significant ways.
First, quantum evolutions are generalized to act over entire network configurations, so that …

Causal Graph Dynamics and Kan Extensions

L Maignan, A Spicher - International Conference on Graph Transformation, 2024 - Springer
On the one side, the formalism of Global Transformations comes with the claim of capturing
any transformation of space that is local, synchronous and deterministic. The claim has been …

Space-time deterministic graph rewriting

P Arrighi, M Costes, G Dowek, L Maignan - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2024 - arxiv.org
We study non-terminating graph rewriting models, whose local rules are applied non-
deterministically--and yet enjoy a strong form of determinism, namely space-time …

A toy model provably featuring an arrow of time without past hypothesis

P Arrighi, G Dowek, A Durbec - International Conference on Reversible …, 2024 - Springer
The laws of Physics are time-reversible, making no qualitative distinction between the past
and the future—yet we can only go towards the future. This apparent contradiction is known …

On quantum superpositions of graphs, no-signalling and covariance

P Arrighi, M Christodoulou, A Durbec - arxiv preprint arxiv:2010.13579, 2020 - arxiv.org
We provide a mathematically and conceptually robust notion of quantum superpositions of
graphs. We argue that, crucially, quantum superpositions of graphs require node names for …

Time arrow without past hypothesis: a toy model explanation

P Arrighi, G Dowek, A Durbec - New Journal of Physics, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The laws of Physics are time-reversible, making no qualitative distinction between the past
and the future—yet we can only go towards the future. This apparent contradiction is known …

Quantum Turing Machines and Quantum Prover-Verifier Interactions

A Molina Prieto - 2020 - uwspace.uwaterloo.ca
We present results on quantum Turing machines and on prover-verifier interactions. In our
work on quantum Turing machines, we continue the line of research opened by Yao (1993) …

Size-varying reversible causal graph dynamics

P Arrighi, N Durbec, A Emmanuel - arxiv preprint arxiv:1805.10330, 2018 - arxiv.org
Consider a network that evolves according to a reversible, nearest neighbours dynamics. Is
the dynamics allowed to vary the size of the network? On the one hand it seems that, being …

[IDÉZET][C] Quantum superpositions of graphs

P Arrighi, M Christodoulou, A Durbec - arxiv preprint arxiv:2010.13579, 2020 - Oct