Barriers in healthcare for Latinx patients with limited English proficiency—a narrative review
Latinx (includes Hispanics and is the non-gendered term for Latino/Latina which is a person
of Latin American origin or descent) constitutes the largest racial and ethnic minority group …
of Latin American origin or descent) constitutes the largest racial and ethnic minority group …
Increasing diversity in developmental cognitive neuroscience: A roadmap for increasing representation in pediatric neuroimaging research
Understanding of human brain development has advanced rapidly as the field of
developmental cognitive neuroscience (DCN) has matured into an established scientific …
developmental cognitive neuroscience (DCN) has matured into an established scientific …
Disinformation, misinformation and inequality-driven mistrust in the time of COVID-19: lessons unlearned from AIDS denialism
During a pandemic about which too little is known, public health is facing a crisis on multiple
levels, including regarding COVID-19 related-health messaging. With the federal …
levels, including regarding COVID-19 related-health messaging. With the federal …
Police brutality and mistrust in medical institutions
Background People bring the social contexts of their lives into the medical encounter. As a
social determinant of health, police brutality influences physical and mental health …
social determinant of health, police brutality influences physical and mental health …
Engaging Latino families about COVID-19 vaccines: A qualitative study conducted in Oregon, USA
Objectives Latinos are disproportionately vulnerable to severe COVID-19 due to workplace
exposure, multigenerational households, and existing health disparities. Rolling out COVID …
exposure, multigenerational households, and existing health disparities. Rolling out COVID …
The role of digital health technology in rural cancer care delivery: a systematic review
BB Morris, B Rossi, B Fuemmeler - The Journal of Rural Health, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Purpose Rural residents face higher cancer incidence rates and mortality rates, disparities
that could be mitigated with health technology interventions, yet a digital divide is also …
that could be mitigated with health technology interventions, yet a digital divide is also …
The roles of social media use and medical mistrust in black Americans' COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: the RISP model perspective
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to healthcare and public
health messaging in the United States. One area of focus has been vaccination uptake …
health messaging in the United States. One area of focus has been vaccination uptake …
Improving sexual health in US rural communities: reducing the impact of stigma
JA Valentine, LF Delgado, LT Haderxhanaj… - AIDS and Behavior, 2022 - Springer
Sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV, are among the most reported diseases
in the US and represent some of America's most significant health disparities. The growing …
in the US and represent some of America's most significant health disparities. The growing …
Medical mistrust among a racially and ethnically diverse sample of sexual minority men
Purpose: Medical mistrust is a barrier to health care utilization and is associated with
suboptimal health outcomes. Research on mistrust among sexual minority men (SMM) is …
suboptimal health outcomes. Research on mistrust among sexual minority men (SMM) is …
Predictors of medical mistrust among urban youth of color during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color and
highlighted longstanding racial health inequities. Communities of color also report higher …
highlighted longstanding racial health inequities. Communities of color also report higher …