A systematic review of barriers to public sector innovation process

E Cinar, P Trott, C Simms - Public management review, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
This article provides a systematic review of the empirical literature on barriers within public
sector innovation processes, based on data from 63 articles. We investigate the nature of …

ERP issues and challenges: a research synthesis

F Mahmood, AZ Khan, RH Bokhari - Kybernetes, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose Despite more than two decades of experience regarding the adoption and
implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in organizations, ERPs …

Know-how to lead digital transformation: The case of local governments

JJ Pittaway, AR Montazemi - Government information quarterly, 2020 - Elsevier
Local governments are in an ideal position to integrate government, private, and citizen data
to deliver beneficial new digitally enabled public services. However, progress toward …

ERP implementation: a compilation and analysis of critical success factors

S Finney, M Corbett - Business process management journal, 2007 - emerald.com
Purpose–To explore the current literature base of critical success factors (CSFs) of ERP
implementations, prepare a compilation, and identify any gaps that might exist …

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a review of the literature

YB Moon - International journal of management and …, 2007 - inderscienceonline.com
This article is a review of work published in various journals on the topics of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) between January 2000 and May 2006. A total of 313 articles from …

A survey on the recent research literature on ERP systems

V Botta-Genoulaz, PA Millet, B Grabot - Computers in industry, 2005 - Elsevier
The research literature on ERP systems has exponentially grown in recent years. In a
domain, where new concepts and techniques are constantly introduced, it is therefore, of …

An investigation into the use of ERP systems in the service sector

V Botta-Genoulaz, PA Millet - International journal of production economics, 2006 - Elsevier
Recently, service organizations have invested considerable resources in the implementation
of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, even using solutions initially targeted for …

A service oriented framework for construction supply chain integration

JCP Cheng, KH Law, H Bjornsson, A Jones… - Automation in …, 2010 - Elsevier
The benefits of integrating and coordinating supply chain partners have been well
recognized in many industries. In the construction industry, supply chain integration is …

Innovation implementation in the public sector: an integration of institutional and collective dynamics.

JN Choi, JY Chang - Journal of applied psychology, 2009 - psycnet.apa.org
The present study integrates institutional factors and employee-based collective processes
as predictors of 2 key implementation outcomes: implementation effectiveness and …

Analysing the factors affecting the selection of ERP package: a fuzzy AHP approach

N Bhatt, S Guru, S Thanki, G Sood - Information Systems and e-Business …, 2021 - Springer
Purpose Contribution of small and medium scale enterprises is significant in development of
any country, specifically develo** countries like India. Therefore, synchronization and …