Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric …
PG Roetzel - Business research, 2019 - Springer
In the light of the information age, information overload research in new areas (eg, social
media, virtual collaboration) rises rapidly in many fields of research in business …
media, virtual collaboration) rises rapidly in many fields of research in business …
Is boredom proneness related to social media overload and fatigue? A stress–strain–outcome approach
Purpose Social media overload and fatigue have become common phenomena that are
negatively affecting people's well-being and productivity. It is, therefore, important to …
negatively affecting people's well-being and productivity. It is, therefore, important to …
Communication in transactive memory systems: a review and multidimensional network perspective
The comprehensive review synthesizes 64 empirical studies on communication and
transactive memory systems (TMS). The results reveal that (a) a TMS forms through …
transactive memory systems (TMS). The results reveal that (a) a TMS forms through …
Information overload: a concept analysis
Purpose With the shift to an information-based society and to the de-centralisation of
information, information overload has attracted a growing interest in the computer and …
information, information overload has attracted a growing interest in the computer and …
Mechanism to enhance team creative performance through social media: a transactive memory system approach
Research on social media as a source of knowledge coordination and communication has
been flourishing. Organizations are increasingly focusing on teamwork as a creative solution …
been flourishing. Organizations are increasingly focusing on teamwork as a creative solution …
The dark side of ubiquitous connectivity in smartphone-based SNS: An integrated model from information perspective
W Gao, Z Liu, Q Guo, X Li - Computers in Human Behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
Based on protection motivation theory and information processing theory, this study explores
the dark side of ubiquitous connectivity enabled by smartphone-based social network …
the dark side of ubiquitous connectivity enabled by smartphone-based social network …
The establishment of transactive memory system in distributed agile teams engaged in AI-related knowledge work
Purpose As a kind of knowledge-intensive team coordinated across physical distance, it is
necessary to construct a meta-knowledge driven transactive memory system (TMS) for the …
necessary to construct a meta-knowledge driven transactive memory system (TMS) for the …
The transformation of work in digitized public sector organizations
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine what the authors can learn from
organization studies of digital technologies and changes in public organizations, and to …
organization studies of digital technologies and changes in public organizations, and to …
Strategic visibility in enterprise social media: Implications for network formation and boundary spanning
Effective workgroups engage in team boundary spanning, that is, using communication ties
as conduits to critical external resources. The proliferation of enterprise social media (ESM) …
as conduits to critical external resources. The proliferation of enterprise social media (ESM) …
Key players in conservation diffusion: Using social network analysis to identify critical injection points
EK Mbaru, ML Barnes - Biological conservation, 2017 - Elsevier
Identifying the right stakeholders to engage with is fundamental to ensuring conservation
information and initiatives diffuse through target populations. Yet this process can be …
information and initiatives diffuse through target populations. Yet this process can be …