[KNYGA][B] Introduction to random graphs
A Frieze, M Karoński - 2015 - books.google.com
From social networks such as Facebook, the World Wide Web and the Internet, to the
complex interactions between proteins in the cells of our bodies, we constantly face the …
complex interactions between proteins in the cells of our bodies, we constantly face the …
[KNYGA][B] Random graphs
B Bollobás, B Bollobás - 1998 - Springer
Although the theory of random graphs is one of the youngest branches of graph theory, in
importance it is second to none. It began with some sporadic papers of Erdős in the 1940s …
importance it is second to none. It began with some sporadic papers of Erdős in the 1940s …
On the method of bounded differences
C McDiarmid - Surveys in combinatorics, 1989 - books.google.com
In this introductory section we first present a simple version of a bounded differences
inequality which does not require us to introduce any concepts like martingales. We then …
inequality which does not require us to introduce any concepts like martingales. We then …
[KNYGA][B] Concentration of measure for the analysis of randomized algorithms
DP Dubhashi, A Panconesi - 2009 - books.google.com
Randomized algorithms have become a central part of the algorithms curriculum based on
their increasingly widespread use in modern applications. This book presents a coherent …
their increasingly widespread use in modern applications. This book presents a coherent …
C McDiarmid - Probabilistic methods for algorithmic discrete …, 1998 - Springer
Upper bounds on probabilities of large deviations for sums of bounded independent random
variables may be extended to handle functions which depend in a limited way on a number …
variables may be extended to handle functions which depend in a limited way on a number …
[KNYGA][B] Morphogenesis of spatial networks
M Barthelemy - 2018 - Springer
Watts and Strogatz, with the publication in 1998 of their seminal paper on small-world
networks, opened the golden era of complex networks studies and showed in particular how …
networks, opened the golden era of complex networks studies and showed in particular how …
The objective method: probabilistic combinatorial optimization and local weak convergence
This survey describes a general approach to a class of problems that arise in combinatorial
probability and combinatorial optimization. Formally, the method is part of weak …
probability and combinatorial optimization. Formally, the method is part of weak …
Pseudo-random graphs
Random graphs have proven to be one of the most important and fruitful concepts in modern
Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science. Besides being a fascinating study …
Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science. Besides being a fascinating study …
A priori optimization
Consider a complete graph G=(V, E) in which each node is present with probability p. We
are interested in solving combinatorial optimization problems on subsets of nodes which are …
are interested in solving combinatorial optimization problems on subsets of nodes which are …
The ζ (2) limit in the random assignment problem
DJ Aldous - Random Structures & Algorithms, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The random assignment (or bipartite matching) problem asks about An= minπ∑ c (i, π (i)),
where (c (i, j)) is an× n matrix with iid entries, say with exponential (1) distribution, and the …
where (c (i, j)) is an× n matrix with iid entries, say with exponential (1) distribution, and the …