SoK: a comprehensive reexamination of phishing research from the security perspective
Phishing and spear phishing are typical examples of masquerade attacks since trust is built
up through impersonation for the attack to succeed. Given the prevalence of these attacks …
up through impersonation for the attack to succeed. Given the prevalence of these attacks …
Uncovering the cloak: A systematic review of techniques used to conceal phishing websites
Phishing represents a cybersecurity attack strategy commonly employed by cybercriminals
to unlawfully acquire sensitive user information, including passwords, account details, credit …
to unlawfully acquire sensitive user information, including passwords, account details, credit …
CatchPhish: detection of phishing websites by inspecting URLs
There exists many anti-phishing techniques which use source code-based features and third
party services to detect the phishing sites. These techniques have some limitations and one …
party services to detect the phishing sites. These techniques have some limitations and one …
Jail-Phish: An improved search engine based phishing detection system
Stealing of sensitive information (username, password, credit card information and social
security number, etc.) using a fake webpage that imitates trusted website is termed as …
security number, etc.) using a fake webpage that imitates trusted website is termed as …
Deltaphish: Detecting phishing webpages in compromised websites
The large-scale deployment of modern phishing attacks relies on the automatic exploitation
of vulnerable websites in the wild, to maximize profit while hindering attack traceability …
of vulnerable websites in the wild, to maximize profit while hindering attack traceability …
PhiKitA: Phishing kit attacks dataset for phishing websites identification
Recent studies have shown that phishers are using phishing kits to deploy phishing attacks
faster, easier and more massive. Detecting phishing kits in deployed websites might help to …
faster, easier and more massive. Detecting phishing kits in deployed websites might help to …
What happens after you leak your password: Understanding credential sharing on phishing sites
Phishing has been a big concern due to its active roles in recent data breaches and state-
sponsored attacks. While existing works have extensively analyzed phishing websites and …
sponsored attacks. While existing works have extensively analyzed phishing websites and …
Two level filtering mechanism to detect phishing sites using lightweight visual similarity approach
The visual similarity-based techniques detect the phishing sites based on the similarity
between the suspicious site and the existing database of resources such as screenshots …
between the suspicious site and the existing database of resources such as screenshots …
A heuristic technique to detect phishing websites using TWSVM classifier
Phishing websites are on the rise and are hosted on compromised domains such that
legitimate behavior is embedded into the designed phishing site to overcome the detection …
legitimate behavior is embedded into the designed phishing site to overcome the detection …
An enhanced blacklist method to detect phishing websites
Existing anti-phishing techniques like whitelist or blacklist detect the phishing sites based on
the database of approved and unapproved URLs. Most of the current phishing attacks are …
the database of approved and unapproved URLs. Most of the current phishing attacks are …