Self-powered sensing in wearable electronics─ a paradigm shift technology
With the advancements in materials science and micro/nanoengineering, the field of
wearable electronics has experienced a rapid growth and significantly impacted and …
wearable electronics has experienced a rapid growth and significantly impacted and …
Flexible self-charging power sources
Power supply is one of the bottlenecks to realizing untethered wearable electronics, soft
robotics and the internet of things. Flexible self-charging power sources integrate energy …
robotics and the internet of things. Flexible self-charging power sources integrate energy …
Achieving 20.8% organic solar cells via additive-assisted layer-by-layer fabrication with bulk pin structure and improved optical management
Additive-assisted layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition affords interpenetrating fibril network active
layer morphology with a bulk pin feature and proper vertical segregation in organic solar …
layer morphology with a bulk pin feature and proper vertical segregation in organic solar …
Achieving 19% power conversion efficiency in planar‐mixed heterojunction organic solar cells using a pseudosymmetric electron acceptor
A record power conversion efficiency (PCE) of over 19% is realized in planar‐mixed
heterojunction (PMHJ) organic solar cells (OSCs) by adopting the asymmetric selenium …
heterojunction (PMHJ) organic solar cells (OSCs) by adopting the asymmetric selenium …
Light-induced quinone conformation of polymer donors toward 19.9% efficiency organic solar cells
Modulating the self-assembly process of polymer donors is crucial to acquire an ideal
morphology of the photoactive layer for efficient photovoltaics, however, this always requires …
morphology of the photoactive layer for efficient photovoltaics, however, this always requires …
Single‐junction organic photovoltaic cell with 19% efficiency
Improving power conversion efficiency (PCE) is important for broadening the applications of
organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells. Here, a maximum PCE of 19.0%(certified value of 18.7%) …
organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells. Here, a maximum PCE of 19.0%(certified value of 18.7%) …
Low-dimensional nanostructures for monolithic 3D-integrated flexible and stretchable electronics
Flexible/stretchable electronics, which are characterized by their ultrathin design, lightweight
structure, and excellent mechanical robustness and conformability, have garnered …
structure, and excellent mechanical robustness and conformability, have garnered …
E-tattoos: toward functional but imperceptible interfacing with human skin
The human body continuously emits physiological and psychological information from head
to toe. Wearable electronics capable of noninvasively and accurately digitizing this …
to toe. Wearable electronics capable of noninvasively and accurately digitizing this …
Recent progress in organic solar cells (Part II device engineering)
Organic solar cells (OSCs) have gained a rapid development in the past two decades and
the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of single-junction OSC has recently approached …
the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of single-junction OSC has recently approached …
Flexible quasi-2D perovskite solar cells with high specific power and improved stability for energy-autonomous drones
Perovskite solar cells are a promising technology for emerging photovoltaic applications that
require mechanical compliance and high specific power. However, the devices suffer from …
require mechanical compliance and high specific power. However, the devices suffer from …