Multistage anatexis during tectonic evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A review of the North Qaidam UHP Belt, NW China

S Yu, S Li, J Zhang, Y Peng, I Somerville, Y Liu… - Earth-Science …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The North Qaidam ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt in the northern
Tibetan Plateau is considered as a typical Alpine-type UHP metamorphic belt due to the …

Crustal melting and melt extraction, ascent and emplacement in orogens: mechanisms and consequences

M Brown - Journal of the Geological Society, 2007 -
Significant volume of wet melting requires an influx of H2O-rich volatile phase. In hydrate-
breakdown melting, initial melt accumulation is diffusion-controlled and melt accumulates …

Granite: From genesis to emplacement

M Brown - GSA bulletin, 2013 -
At low temperatures (< 750 C at moderate to high crustal pressures), the production of
sufficient melt to reach the melt connectivity transition (∼ 7 vol%), enabling melt drainage …

Contrasting geochemical signatures of fluid-absent versus fluid-fluxed melting of muscovite in metasedimentary sources: The Himalayan leucogranites

LE Gao, L Zeng, PD Asimow - Geology, 2017 -
Abstract Most of the Himalayan Cenozoic leucogranites are products of partial melting of
metapelite sources. In the Malashan-Gyirong area (southern Tibet), the geochemical …

Mid-Eocene high Sr/Y granites in the Northern Himalayan Gneiss Domes: Melting thickened lower continental crust

L Zeng, LE Gao, K **e, J Liu-Zeng - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011 - Elsevier
Within the Himalayan collisional belt, granotoids occur along two sub-parallel belts, the
Northern Himalayan Gneiss Domes (NHGD) and the High Himalayan Crystalline Series …

Behaviour of zircon and monazite during crustal melting

C Yakymchuk, M Brown - Journal of the Geological Society, 2014 -
Ages retrieved from accessory minerals in high-grade metamorphic rocks place important
constraints on the timing of events and the rates of tectonometamorphic processes operating …

Hafnium isotopic heterogeneity in zircons from granitic rocks: Geochemical evaluation and modeling of “zircon effect” in crustal anatexis

M Tang, XL Wang, XJ Shu, D Wang, T Yang… - Earth and Planetary …, 2014 - Elsevier
We carried out a geochemical evaluation and modeled the mechanism responsible for
varied Hf isotopic ratios in magmatic zircons of a single granitic rock specimen. Five …

Fluxed melting of metapelite and the formation of Miocene high-CaO two-mica granites in the Malashan gneiss dome, southern Tibet

LE Gao, L Zeng - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2014 - Elsevier
Identifying the timing of formation and geochemical nature of the Cenozoic granites along
the Himalayan orogen is essential to test or formulate models that link crustal anatexis with …

Coupling of anatectic reactions and dissolution of accessory phases and the Sr and Nd isotope systematics of anatectic melts from a metasedimentary source

L Zeng, PD Asimow, JB Saleeby - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005 - Elsevier
Advances in field observations and experimental petrology on anatectic products have
motivated us to investigate the geochemical consequences of accessory mineral dissolution …

Melting of the continental crust during orogenesis: the thermal, rheological, and compositional consequences of melt transport from lower to upper continental crust

M Brown - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010 -
The formation and differentiation of the continental crust occurs at convergent plate margins
in accretionary and collisional orogenic belts where sufficient heat is generated to achieve …