On mixtures of skew normal and skew-distributions

SX Lee, GJ McLachlan - Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2013 - Springer
Finite mixtures of skew distributions have emerged as an effective tool in modelling
heterogeneous data with asymmetric features. With various proposals appearing rapidly in …

Latent variable modeling and state estimation of non-stationary processes driven by monotonic trends

R Chiplunkar, B Huang - Journal of Process Control, 2021 - Elsevier
In certain non-stationary processes, the non-stationary dynamics is caused by degradation
or wearing of certain process components. Such dynamics can be characterized by a latent …

Extended Skew Kalman Filters for COVID-19 Pandemic State Estimation

L Alyami, S Das - 2023 Sixth International Conference of Women in …, 2023 - ore.exeter.ac.uk
This research studies the long-term behavior monitoring of the COVID-19 pandemic through
estimation with nonzero skewness. The COVID-19 data may contain outliers that could result …

Activity recognition on handheld devices for pedestrian indoor navigation

D Bobkov, F Grimm, E Steinbach… - 2015 International …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose an inertial sensor-based approach to activity recognition for pedestrian indoor
navigation. In the considered scenario a mobile device is held in a hand in front of the user …

Skew Filtering for Online State Estimation and Control

O Dogru, R Chiplunkar, B Huang - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Process control can become challenging when the measurements are affected by irregular
noise. Classical approaches utilize Gaussian methods to alleviate the sensory noise …

Filtering and smoothing of hidden monotonic trends and application to fouling detection

R Chiplunkar, B Huang - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2021 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present a filtering and smoothing scheme for process variables
characterized by a hidden monotonic trend. The proposed method models the transition …

Stochastic bifurcation in generalized Chua's circuit driven by skew-normal distributed noise

S Yilmaz, ME Cek, FA Savaci - Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 2018 - World Scientific
In this study, the stochastic phenomenological bifurcations (P-bifurcations) of generalized
Chua's circuit (GCC) driven by skew-normal distributed noise have been investigated by …

Reinforcement Learning-based Process Control Under Sensory Uncertainty

O Dogru - 2023 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Process industries involve processes that have complex, interdependent, and sometimes
uncontrollable/unobservable features that are subject to a variety of uncertainties such as …

Skew-normal shocks in the linear state space form DSGE model

G Grabek, B Klos, G Koloch - National Bank of Poland Working …, 2011 - papers.ssrn.com
Observed macroeconomic data–notably GDP growth rate, inflation and interest rates–can
be, and usually are skewed. Economists attempt to fit models to data by matching first and …

Latent Variable Modeling with Slowness, Monotonicity, and Impulsivity Features

RRK Chiplunkar - 2022 - era.library.ualberta.ca
Data-driven modeling has been finding increasing prominence in process systems
engineering in both academia and industries. Latent variable modeling forms an important …