How the saline water intrusion has reshaped the agricultural landscape of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, a review
Once a key factor behind Vietnam's successful Doi Moi (restoration) economic reforms, the
rice-centered agriculture of the VMD is now confronted by the new pressure of climate …
rice-centered agriculture of the VMD is now confronted by the new pressure of climate …
[HTML][HTML] Ecosystem service research in protected areas: A systematic review of the literature on current practices and future prospects
X Pu, W Ding, W Ye, X Nan, R Lu - Ecological Indicators, 2023 - Elsevier
Protected areas (PAs) are globally important environmental management tools against the
effects of human activities, as they support the conservation of marine biodiversity, habitats …
effects of human activities, as they support the conservation of marine biodiversity, habitats …
[HTML][HTML] Research on the spatiotemporal evolution and mechanism of ecosystem service value in the mountain-river-sea transition zone based on “production-living …
L Zhang, B Hu, Z Zhang, G Liang - Ecological Indicators, 2023 - Elsevier
In order to investigate the changing patterns and influencing factors of ecosystem service
values (ESV) provided by the “production-life-ecological space”(PLES) in the karst-Beibu …
values (ESV) provided by the “production-life-ecological space”(PLES) in the karst-Beibu …
Integrating perceptions of ecosystem services in adaptive management of country parks: A case study in peri-urban Shanghai, China
Z ** ecosystem services in protected areas. A systematic review
Protected areas (PAs) supply ecosystem services (ES) essential for human wellbeing.
Map** is a critical exercise that allows an understanding of the spatial distribution of the …
Map** is a critical exercise that allows an understanding of the spatial distribution of the …
Socio-geographical evaluation of ecosystem services in an ecotourism destination: PGIS application in Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam
Ecotourism in national parks of develo** countries is increasingly recognised as a
promising option to achieve sustainable development goals, regardless, might imply various …
promising option to achieve sustainable development goals, regardless, might imply various …
Towards a “City in nature”: Evaluating the cultural ecosystem services approach using online public participation GIS to support urban green space management
The concept of cultural ecosystem services has been increasingly influential in both
environmental research and policy decision making, such as for urban green spaces …
environmental research and policy decision making, such as for urban green spaces …
[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing approach for monitoring coastal wetland in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Change trends and their driving forces
Coastal wetlands in the Mekong Delta (MD), Vietnam, provide various vital ecosystem
services for the region. These wetlands have experienced critical changes due to the …
services for the region. These wetlands have experienced critical changes due to the …