[HTML][HTML] A review of mixed-integer linear formulations for framework-based energy system models
Optimization-based frameworks for energy system modeling such as TIMES, ETHOS. FINE,
or PyPSA have emerged as important tools to outline a cost-efficient energy transition …
or PyPSA have emerged as important tools to outline a cost-efficient energy transition …
[HTML][HTML] Toward a fundamental understanding of flow-based market coupling for cross-border electricity trading
Trading electricity across market zones furthers competitive power prices, security of supply
and the integration of renewable energy. In the European Union, flow-based market …
and the integration of renewable energy. In the European Union, flow-based market …
Toward resilient modern power systems: From single-domain to cross-domain resilience enhancement
Modern power systems are the backbone of our society, supplying electric energy for daily
activities. With the integration of communication networks and high penetration of renewable …
activities. With the integration of communication networks and high penetration of renewable …
[HTML][HTML] Gradient pyramid mechanism and Nelder-Mead simplex enhanced Colony Predation Algorithm for optimal power flow problems
The escalating human energy demand, particularly in the realm of electricity consumption,
imposes a substantial burden on power system planning, resulting in the emergence of the …
imposes a substantial burden on power system planning, resulting in the emergence of the …
A tractable linearization-based approximated solution methodology to stochastic multi-period ac security-constrained optimal power flow
The growing presence of renewable energy sources (RES), energy storage systems (ESSs)
and flexible loads (FLs) in power systems necessitates a new approach to N-1 security in …
and flexible loads (FLs) in power systems necessitates a new approach to N-1 security in …
[HTML][HTML] AC–DC security-constrained optimal power flow for the Australian national electricity market
This paper presents a new methodology to solve the integrated ac–dc security-constrained
optimal power flow (SCOPF) problem for large-scale power systems, with a focus on the …
optimal power flow (SCOPF) problem for large-scale power systems, with a focus on the …
Topology-based approximations for N− 1 contingency constraints in power transmission networks
It is crucial for maintaining the security of supply that transmission networks continue to
operate even if a single line fails. Modeling N− 1 security in power system capacity …
operate even if a single line fails. Modeling N− 1 security in power system capacity …
Envisioning security control in renewable dominated power systems through stochastic multi-period AC security constrained optimal power flow
The accelerated penetration rate of renewable energy sources (RES) brings environmental
benefits at the expense of increasing operation cost and undermining the satisfaction of N-1 …
benefits at the expense of increasing operation cost and undermining the satisfaction of N-1 …
Cost-driven screening of network constraints for the unit commitment problem
In an attempt to speed up the solution of the unit commitment (UC) problem, both machine-
learning and optimization-based methods have been proposed to lighten the full UC …
learning and optimization-based methods have been proposed to lighten the full UC …
Constrained optimal power flow and optimal TCSC allocation using hybrid cuckoo search and ant lion optimizer
This paper works on the solution to Voltage Constrained Optimal Power Flow (VCOPF)
problem with the requisite allocation of thyristor-controlled series compensator (TCSC) in …
problem with the requisite allocation of thyristor-controlled series compensator (TCSC) in …