Does automated unit test generation really help software testers? a controlled empirical study

G Fraser, M Staats, P McMinn, A Arcuri… - ACM Transactions on …, 2015 -
Work on automated test generation has produced several tools capable of generating test
data which achieves high structural coverage over a program. In the absence of a …

Random walk term weighting for improved text classification

S Hassan, R Mihalcea, C Banea - International Journal of Semantic …, 2007 - World Scientific
This paper describes a new approach for estimating term weights in a document, and shows
how the new weighting scheme can be used to improve the accuracy of a text classifier. The …

[PDF][PDF] Software Test Case Generation Tools and Techniques: A Review

AS Verma, A Choudhary, S Tiwari - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Software Industry is evolving at a very fast pace since last two decades. Many software
developments, testing and test case generation approaches have evolved in last two …

Does automated white-box test generation really help software testers?

G Fraser, M Staats, P McMinn, A Arcuri… - Proceedings of the 2013 …, 2013 -
Automated test generation techniques can efficiently produce test data that systematically
cover structural aspects of a program. In the absence of a specification, a common …

Search-based crash reproduction and its impact on debugging

M Soltani, A Panichella… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 -
Software systems fail. These failures are often reported to issue tracking systems, where
they are prioritized and assigned to responsible developers to be investigated. When …

Automated unit test generation during software development: A controlled experiment and think-aloud observations

JM Rojas, G Fraser, A Arcuri - … of the 2015 international symposium on …, 2015 -
Automated unit test generation tools can produce tests that are superior to manually written
ones in terms of code coverage, but are these tests helpful to developers while they are …

Are query-based ontology debuggers really hel** knowledge engineers?

P Rodler, D Jannach, K Schekotihin, P Fleiss - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
Real-world semantic or knowledge-based systems can become large and complex, eg, in
the biomedical domain. Tool support for the localization and repair of faults within …

Modbat: A model-based API tester for event-driven systems

CV Artho, A Biere, M Hagiya, E Platon, M Seidl… - Hardware and Software …, 2013 - Springer
Abstract Model-based testing derives test executions from an abstract model that describes
the system behavior. However, existing approaches are not tailored to event-driven or …

Model-based API testing of Apache ZooKeeper

C Artho, Q Gros, G Rousset, K Banzai… - … on Software Testing …, 2017 -
Apache ZooKeeper is a distributed data storage that is highly concurrent and asynchronous
due to network communication, testing such a system is very challenging. Our solution using …

Adapting automated test generation to GUI testing of industry applications

R Ramler, G Buchgeher, C Klammer - Information and Software …, 2018 - Elsevier
Context Automated test generation promises to improve the effectiveness of software testing
and to reduce the involved manual effort. While automated test generation has been …