[PDF][PDF] Problematic smartphone use: Behavioral, psychopathological, dispositional, and educational correlates
D Rozgonjuk - American Psychological Association, 2019 - researchgate.net
According to a report published by Pew Research Center (2018) encompassing data from
39 countries, approximately three quarters of people surveyed use the Internet. Internet …
39 countries, approximately three quarters of people surveyed use the Internet. Internet …
[PDF][PDF] An experimental exploration of automatic processes in visual perception
N Põldver - 2018 - core.ac.uk
The main function of the visual system is to represent various dimensions of the surrounding
environment that are relevant for the organism orienting in this environment. As the needs …
environment that are relevant for the organism orienting in this environment. As the needs …
[PDF][PDF] Studying the psychological mechanisms of affective individual differences with EEG correlates
H Uusberg - 2018 - core.ac.uk
The many meaningful ways in which people differ from each-other include relatively stable
patterns of affective experiences ie, affective individual differences. Affective states, such as …
patterns of affective experiences ie, affective individual differences. Affective states, such as …
[PDF][PDF] Modulation of decision-making by transcranial magnetic stimulation
J Tulviste - 2019 - core.ac.uk
Human behaviour is regulated by a set of higher-order cognitive processes referred to as the
executive functions of the brain and mind (Diamond, 2013; Miyake & Friedman, 2012) …
executive functions of the brain and mind (Diamond, 2013; Miyake & Friedman, 2012) …
Digital communication technologies and mental health: an interplay between usage types and user characteristics
N Gugushvili - 2023 - cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl
In the 21st century, smartphones and social networking sites (SNS) have become essential
tools for billions of people for a wide range of purposes including connecting and …
tools for billions of people for a wide range of purposes including connecting and …
[PDF][PDF] Digital communication technologies and mental health: An interplay between usage types and user characteristics
P Habibović, T Asser - cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl
When the Covid-19 pandemic spread across the world, elderly people living in nursing
homes were isolated from their loved ones. Lockdowns and social distancing measures …
homes were isolated from their loved ones. Lockdowns and social distancing measures …
R RUTIKU - core.ac.uk
The perceptual capacity of the brain is amazing. The most puzzling part of it is, however, that
the objective neurobiological processes on which this capacity is founded are capable of …
the objective neurobiological processes on which this capacity is founded are capable of …
A UUSBERG - academia.edu
Given its limited processing capacity, the brain needs to detect, encode and make use of the
most important information in a prioritized manner. To this end, various attention …
most important information in a prioritized manner. To this end, various attention …
[PDF][PDF] MARILIIS VAHT Genes and alcohol use: effects of common genetic polymorphisms in general population
V IIS - core.ac.uk
II. Vaht M, Kiive E, Veidebaum T, Harro J (2016) A functional vesicular monoamine
transporter 1 (VMAT1) gene variant is associated with affect and the prevalence of anxiety …
transporter 1 (VMAT1) gene variant is associated with affect and the prevalence of anxiety …
H DOBEWALL - core.ac.uk
• In Studies I and II: formulated the research questions, carried out the majority of the data
analyses, and wrote manuscripts as the main author;• In Study III: participated in formulating …
analyses, and wrote manuscripts as the main author;• In Study III: participated in formulating …