Obliquity along plate boundaries
Most of the plate boundaries are activated obliquely with respect to the direction of far field
stresses, as roughly only 8% of the plate boundaries total length shows a very low obliquity …
stresses, as roughly only 8% of the plate boundaries total length shows a very low obliquity …
groundwater research in the Ethiopian rift valley lakes region
Despite its proximity to many research institutions in the country and prevailing
environmental and water security challenges, water resources research in the Central Rift …
environmental and water security challenges, water resources research in the Central Rift …
3-D analysis and interpretation of magnetotelluric data from the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia
Abstract The Main Ethiopian Rift Valley encompasses a number of volcanoes, which are
known to be actively deforming with reoccurring periods of uplift and setting. One of the …
known to be actively deforming with reoccurring periods of uplift and setting. One of the …
The development of extension and magmatism in the Red Sea rift of Afar
Despite the importance of continental breakup in plate tectonics, precisely how extensional
processes such as brittle faulting, ductile plate stretching, and magma intrusion evolve in …
processes such as brittle faulting, ductile plate stretching, and magma intrusion evolve in …
Evolution of upper crustal faulting assisted by magmatic volatile release during early-stage continental rift development in the East African Rift
During the development of continental rifts, strain accommodation shifts from border faults to
intra-rift faults. This transition represents a critical process in the evolution of rift basins in the …
intra-rift faults. This transition represents a critical process in the evolution of rift basins in the …
Rapid evolution of subduction‐related continental intraarc rifts: The Taupo Rift, New Zealand
The evolution of the continental intraarc Taupo Rift in the North Island, New Zealand, is
rapid, significantly faster than comparative intracontinental rifts such as the African Rifts …
rapid, significantly faster than comparative intracontinental rifts such as the African Rifts …
Re‐orientation of the extension direction and pure extensional faulting at oblique rift margins: Comparison between the Main Ethiopian Rift and laboratory …
In this study, we draw on a unique combination of well‐resolved fault‐slip data and
earthquake focal mechanisms to constrain spatial variations in style of faulting in the …
earthquake focal mechanisms to constrain spatial variations in style of faulting in the …
Control of pre‐rift lithospheric structure on the architecture and evolution of continental rifts: Insights from the Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa
We investigate the along‐axis variations in architecture, segmentation, and evolution of the
Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), East Africa, and relate these characteristics to the regional …
Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), East Africa, and relate these characteristics to the regional …
The origin of along‐rift variations in faulting and magmatism in the Ethiopian Rift
The geological record at rifts and margins worldwide often reveals considerable along‐strike
variations in volumes of extruded and intruded igneous rocks. These variations may be the …
variations in volumes of extruded and intruded igneous rocks. These variations may be the …
Rotation, narrowing, and preferential reactivation of brittle structures during oblique rifting
Occurrence of multiple faults populations with contrasting orientations in oblique continental
rifts and passive margins has long sparked debate about relative timing of deformation …
rifts and passive margins has long sparked debate about relative timing of deformation …