A survey of formal methods in self-adaptive systems
One major challenge in self-adaptive systems is to assure the required quality properties.
Formal methods provide the means to rigorously specify and reason about the behaviors of …
Formal methods provide the means to rigorously specify and reason about the behaviors of …
Control-theoretical software adaptation: A systematic literature review
Modern software applications are subject to uncertain operating conditions, such as
dynamics in the availability of services and variations of system goals. Consequently …
dynamics in the availability of services and variations of system goals. Consequently …
Modeling cyber–physical systems
This paper focuses on the challenges of modeling cyber–physical systems (CPSs) that arise
from the intrinsic heterogeneity, concurrency, and sensitivity to timing of such systems. It …
from the intrinsic heterogeneity, concurrency, and sensitivity to timing of such systems. It …
Automated design of self-adaptive software with control-theoretical formal guarantees
Self-adaptation enables software to execute successfully in dynamic, unpredictable, and
uncertain environments. Control theory provides a broad set of mathematically grounded …
uncertain environments. Control theory provides a broad set of mathematically grounded …
Brownout: Building more robust cloud applications
Self-adaptation is a first class concern for cloud applications, which should be able to
withstand diverse runtime changes. Variations are simultaneously happening both at the …
withstand diverse runtime changes. Variations are simultaneously happening both at the …
Supporting self-adaptation via quantitative verification and sensitivity analysis at run time
Modern software-intensive systems often interact with an environment whose behavior
changes over time, often unpredictably. The occurrence of changes may jeopardize their …
changes over time, often unpredictably. The occurrence of changes may jeopardize their …
Software engineering meets control theory
The software engineering community has proposed numerous approaches for making
software self-adaptive. These approaches take inspiration from machine learning and …
software self-adaptive. These approaches take inspiration from machine learning and …
Control strategies for self-adaptive software systems
The pervasiveness and growing complexity of software systems are challenging software
engineering to design systems that can adapt their behavior to withstand unpredictable …
engineering to design systems that can adapt their behavior to withstand unpredictable …
Automated multi-objective control for self-adaptive software design
While software is becoming more complex everyday, the requirements on its behavior are
not getting any easier to satisfy. An application should offer a certain quality of service, adapt …
not getting any easier to satisfy. An application should offer a certain quality of service, adapt …
Claims and evidence for architecture-based self-adaptation: A systematic literature review
D Weyns, T Ahmad - European Conference on Software Architecture, 2013 - Springer
Engineering the upcoming generation of software systems and guaranteeing the required
qualities is complex due to the inherent uncertainties at design time, such as new user …
qualities is complex due to the inherent uncertainties at design time, such as new user …