[HTML][HTML] Smart environment architecture for emotion detection and regulation
This paper introduces an architecture as a proof-of-concept for emotion detection and
regulation in smart health environments. The aim of the proposal is to detect the patient's …
regulation in smart health environments. The aim of the proposal is to detect the patient's …
Reference architectures modelling and compliance checking
Reference architectures (RAs) are successfully used to represent families of concrete
software architectures in several domains such as automotive, banking, and the Internet of …
software architectures in several domains such as automotive, banking, and the Internet of …
A novel multimodal communication framework using robot partner for aging population
In developed country such as Japan, aging has become a serious issue, as there is a
disproportionate increasing of elderly population who are no longer able to look after …
disproportionate increasing of elderly population who are no longer able to look after …
Ambient assisted working solutions for the ageing workforce: a literature review
The increase in older workers in industrialized countries has become evident in the past two
decades. The need to support the ageing workforce to effectively perform their tasks has …
decades. The need to support the ageing workforce to effectively perform their tasks has …
Smart maintenance for human–robot interaction
B ** of robotic applications. However, ROS has several …
Object-Oriented Modelling of Home Automation Management System
S Popov, V Bureva - 2022 22nd International Symposium on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
As new technologies advance and become more accessible, the integration of home
automation systems has become very popular in recent years. Such systems should be …
automation systems has become very popular in recent years. Such systems should be …