[HTML][HTML] Integrated modeling of hydrological processes and groundwater recharge based on land use land cover, and climate changes: A systematic review
Groundwater is the main available freshwater resource and therefore its use, management
and sustainability are closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) …
and sustainability are closely related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) …
Impacts of LULC and climate changes on hydropower generation and development: A systematic review
There is a growing concern on a global scale that the world should transition towards the
utilisation of energy-efficient technologies. Hydropower plays a very significant part in the …
utilisation of energy-efficient technologies. Hydropower plays a very significant part in the …
[HTML][HTML] Assessment of Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) climate scenarios and its impacts on the Greater Accra region
The effects of climate change (CC) have intensified in Ghana, especially in the Greater
Accra region over the last two decades. CC assessment under the new IPCC scenarios and …
Accra region over the last two decades. CC assessment under the new IPCC scenarios and …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing climate change projections in the Volta Basin using the CORDEX-Africa climate simulations and statistical bias-correction
Climate change potential impacts are evaluated through the changes in the local and
regional climate. However, Global and Regional Climate simulated outputs do not often …
regional climate. However, Global and Regional Climate simulated outputs do not often …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrological modeling of spatial and temporal variations in streamflow due to multiple climate change scenarios in northwestern Morocco
Climate change is one of the most important factors impacting hydrological regimes. In this
paper, climate change impact on streamflow of Loukkos basin (northwestern Morocco) is …
paper, climate change impact on streamflow of Loukkos basin (northwestern Morocco) is …
[HTML][HTML] Statistical downscaling of global circulation models to assess future climate changes in the Black Volta basin of Ghana
Abstract Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM) is a powerful model for climate change
assessment. However, its usage remains very gray with limited studies on climate change …
assessment. However, its usage remains very gray with limited studies on climate change …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change projections and impacts on future temperature, precipitation, and stream flow in the Vea Catchment, Ghana
Climate change has emerged as a global challenge with varied impacts across regions. The
Vea catchment, for instance, is identified as particularly susceptible to climate change due to …
Vea catchment, for instance, is identified as particularly susceptible to climate change due to …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of climate and land use/land cover change on Lobo reservoir inflow, West-Central of Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract Study region Lobo River Catchment (Côte d'Ivoire) Study focus In this study, four
regional climate models (RCMs)(RC4; CCLM4–8–17; RACMO22T and REMO) for the 2030 …
regional climate models (RCMs)(RC4; CCLM4–8–17; RACMO22T and REMO) for the 2030 …
Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on streamflow in the data-scarce Upper Ruvu River watershed, Tanzania
This study assessed the impacts of climate change on streamflow in the data-scarce Upper
Ruvu River watershed (URRW). The Long Ashton Research Station Weather Generator …
Ruvu River watershed (URRW). The Long Ashton Research Station Weather Generator …
Climate-driven model based on long short-term memory and bayesian optimization for multi-day-ahead daily streamflow forecasting
Many previous studies have developed decomposition and ensemble models to improve
runoff forecasting performance. However, these decomposition-based models usually …
runoff forecasting performance. However, these decomposition-based models usually …