Modelling and statistical analysis of YouTube's educational videos: A channel Owner's perspective
YouTube is one of the most popular websites. It is a vast resource for educational content.
To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have …
To better understand the characteristics and impact of YouTube on education, we have …
The gender gap among EduTubers and the factors significantly influencing it
D Pattier - Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 2021 - Springer
An increased use of YouTube in education has resulted in the emergence of a large number
of audiovisual educational content creators known as EduTubers. Our research considers …
of audiovisual educational content creators known as EduTubers. Our research considers …
Referentes educativos durante la pandemia de la COVID-19: El éxito de los edutubers
D Pattier - Publicaciones, 2021 - revistaseug.ugr.es
La pandemia de la COVID-19 propició una necesidad de una educación telemática debido
al confinamiento de la población y al cierre de los espacios físicos de las instituciones …
al confinamiento de la población y al cierre de los espacios físicos de las instituciones …
Big data analytics for video surveillance
BN Subudhi, DK Rout, A Ghosh - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019 - Springer
This article addresses the usage and scope of Big Data Analytics in video surveillance and
its potential application areas. The current age of technology provides the users, ample …
its potential application areas. The current age of technology provides the users, ample …
The Conspiracy Money Machine: Uncovering Telegram's Conspiracy Channels and their Profit Model
In recent years, major social media platforms have implemented increasingly strict
moderation policies, resulting in bans and restrictions on conspiracy theory-related content …
moderation policies, resulting in bans and restrictions on conspiracy theory-related content …
Diseño y validación de instrumento para analizar canales educativos de YouTube
D Pattier - Revista ICONO 14. Revista científica de Comunicación …, 2022 - icono14.net
Los retos emergentes de la educación actual han originado la aparición de colectivos
innovadores de éxito desde el ámbito de la comunicación. Entre ellos destacan los …
innovadores de éxito desde el ámbito de la comunicación. Entre ellos destacan los …
The transformational journey of YouTube entrepreneurs: a few strands of evidence from an emerging economy
S Piramanaygam, KH Lee, R Pillai K… - … of Entrepreneurship in …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Ubiquitous penetration of the internet fuelled by the interactive nature of digital
media has created a new genre of entrepreneurs who leverage social media to propel their …
media has created a new genre of entrepreneurs who leverage social media to propel their …
Youtube Trending Videos: Boosting Machine Learning Results Using Exploratory Data Analysis
With the emergence of social media and the Internet, bulks of data are generated every day
in different fields. However, filtering out useful information, which can be turned into …
in different fields. However, filtering out useful information, which can be turned into …
[Књига][B] Online stars and the new audience: How YouTube creators curate and maintain communities
NL Major - 2015 - search.proquest.com
In recent years, YouTube has evolved from a platform of home videos and news media into
a premiere platform for amateur content creators to create and distribute content. As …
a premiere platform for amateur content creators to create and distribute content. As …
[PDF][PDF] Characteristics of Popular YouTube Videos to Promote or Discourage Use of Vape.
A Harkati, FM Kusumaningrum… - Malaysian Journal of …, 2020 - medic.upm.edu.my
Introduction: The growing use of YouTube, push up the popularity of electronic cigarettes
(vapes) presenting a new challenge in tobacco control included in Indonesia. This study …
(vapes) presenting a new challenge in tobacco control included in Indonesia. This study …