A low-to-no snow future and its impacts on water resources in the western United States
Anthropogenic climate change is decreasing seasonal snowpacks globally, with potentially
catastrophic consequences on water resources, given the long-held reliance on snowpack …
catastrophic consequences on water resources, given the long-held reliance on snowpack …
Soil microbiomes and climate change
The soil microbiome governs biogeochemical cycling of macronutrients, micronutrients and
other elements vital for the growth of plants and animal life. Understanding and predicting …
other elements vital for the growth of plants and animal life. Understanding and predicting …
Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios
Droughts can have strong environmental and socio-economic impacts in the Mediterranean
region, in particular for countries relying on rain-fed agricultural production, but also in areas …
region, in particular for countries relying on rain-fed agricultural production, but also in areas …
Observed impacts of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire in California
Recent fire seasons have fueled intense speculation regarding the effect of anthropogenic
climate change on wildfire in western North America and especially in California. During …
climate change on wildfire in western North America and especially in California. During …
The human imperative of stabilizing global climate change at 1.5 C
BACKGROUND The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
was established in 1992 to pursue the “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations at a …
was established in 1992 to pursue the “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations at a …
Landscapes that work for biodiversity and people
BACKGROUND Biodiversity is under siege, with greatly enhanced rates of local and global
extinction and the decline of once-abundant species. Current rates of human-induced …
extinction and the decline of once-abundant species. Current rates of human-induced …
Climate change vulnerability, water resources and social implications in North Africa
North Africa is considered a climate change hot spot. Existing studies either focus on the
physical aspects of climate change or discuss the social ones. The present article aims to …
physical aspects of climate change or discuss the social ones. The present article aims to …
Responses and impacts of atmospheric rivers to climate change
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are characterized by intense moisture transport, which, on landfall,
produce precipitation which can be both beneficial and destructive. ARs in California, for …
produce precipitation which can be both beneficial and destructive. ARs in California, for …
Climate change and drought: From past to future
Drought is a complex and multivariate phenomenon influenced by diverse physical and
biological processes. Such complexity precludes simplistic explanations of cause and effect …
biological processes. Such complexity precludes simplistic explanations of cause and effect …
Climate change in the mediterranean basin (part I): Induced alterations on climate forcings and hydrological processes
In the last years, the Mediterranean basin has been widely recognized as one of the most
vulnerable areas in the world to climate change; because of its high concentration of urban …
vulnerable areas in the world to climate change; because of its high concentration of urban …