Phenotypic impact of genomic structural variation: insights from and for human disease
Genomic structural variants have long been implicated in phenotypic diversity and human
disease, but dissecting the mechanisms by which they exert their functional impact has …
disease, but dissecting the mechanisms by which they exert their functional impact has …
Aging and the rise of somatic cancer-associated mutations in normal tissues
DNA mutations are inevitable. Despite proficient DNA repair mechanisms, somatic cells
accumulate mutations during development and aging, generating cells with different …
accumulate mutations during development and aging, generating cells with different …
Heterosis refers to the phenomenon that progeny of diverse varieties of a species or crosses
between species exhibit greater biomass, speed of development, and fertility than both …
between species exhibit greater biomass, speed of development, and fertility than both …
The flowering gene SINGLE FLOWER TRUSS drives heterosis for yield in tomato
Intercrossing different varieties of plants frequently produces hybrid offspring with superior
vigor and increased yields, in a poorly understood phenomenon known as heterosis 1, 2 …
vigor and increased yields, in a poorly understood phenomenon known as heterosis 1, 2 …
Progress toward understanding heterosis in crop plants
Although heterosis, or hybrid vigor, is widely exploited in agriculture, a complete description
of its molecular underpinnings has remained elusive despite extensive investigation. It …
of its molecular underpinnings has remained elusive despite extensive investigation. It …
A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology
Genomic data allow the large-scale manual or semi-automated assembly of metabolic
network reconstructions, which provide highly curated organism-specific knowledge bases …
network reconstructions, which provide highly curated organism-specific knowledge bases …
The repertoire and dynamics of evolutionary adaptations to controlled nutrient-limited environments in yeast
The experimental evolution of laboratory populations of microbes provides an opportunity to
observe the evolutionary dynamics of adaptation in real time. Until very recently, however …
observe the evolutionary dynamics of adaptation in real time. Until very recently, however …
Somatic mutations in aging, cancer and neurodegeneration
The somatic mutation theory of aging posits that the accumulation of mutations in the genetic
material of somatic cells as a function of time results in a decrease in cellular function. In …
material of somatic cells as a function of time results in a decrease in cellular function. In …
Genome-wide analysis of yeast stress survival and tolerance acquisition to analyze the central trade-off between growth rate and cellular robustness
A Zakrzewska, G Van Eikenhorst… - Molecular biology of …, 2011 -
All organisms have evolved to cope with changes in environmental conditions, ensuring the
optimal combination of proliferation and survival. In yeast, exposure to a mild stress leads to …
optimal combination of proliferation and survival. In yeast, exposure to a mild stress leads to …
The promiscuous binding of pharmaceutical drugs and their transporter-mediated uptake into cells: what we (need to) know and how we can do so
A recent paper in this journal sought to counter evidence for the role of transport proteins in
effecting drug uptake into cells, and questions that transporters can recognize drug …
effecting drug uptake into cells, and questions that transporters can recognize drug …