Stakeholder theory: The state of the art
In 1984, R. Edward Freeman published his landmark book, Strategic Management: A
Stakeholder Approach, a work that set the agenda for what we now call stakeholder theory …
Stakeholder Approach, a work that set the agenda for what we now call stakeholder theory …
[HTML][HTML] Realizing the need for digital transformation of stakeholder management: A systematic review in the construction industry
The construction industry is among the least digitized industries, and the lack of innovation
in construction project management practices has led to decreases in productivity. The …
in construction project management practices has led to decreases in productivity. The …
Management of stakeholders engaged in port energy transition
Port energy transition projects (PETPs) are complicated, necessitating stakeholders'
collaborative efforts, varying in importance, stakes, priorities, resources and competing …
collaborative efforts, varying in importance, stakes, priorities, resources and competing …
Re-thinking research impact: voice, context and power at the interface of science, policy and practice
The world is facing unprecedented challenges on a scale that has never been seen before,
and the need for evidence-informed solutions has never been greater. As a result …
and the need for evidence-informed solutions has never been greater. As a result …
Planning for sustainable stakeholder engagement based on the assessment of conflicting interests in projects
The absence or lack of effective stakeholder engagement during project life cycle, especially
at the earlier stages of planning and implementation often negatively impacts the expected …
at the earlier stages of planning and implementation often negatively impacts the expected …
A project lifecycle perspective on stakeholder influence strategies in global projects
Global projects affect and are affected by multiple stakeholders with differing interests and
demands. Recently, there has been increased pressure for global projects to be more …
demands. Recently, there has been increased pressure for global projects to be more …
An investigation of stakeholder analysis in urban development projects: Empirical or rationalistic perspectives
RJ Yang - International Journal of Project Management, 2014 - Elsevier
The increasing research interest in multi-stakeholder analysis in urban planning reflects a
growing recognition that stakeholders can and should influence the decision-making of …
growing recognition that stakeholders can and should influence the decision-making of …
Stakeholder analysis and engagement in projects: From stakeholder relational perspective to stakeholder relational ontology
This paper investigates the stakeholder analysis and engagement in the field of project
management. In response to the limits of prior studies, we propose a relevant conceptual …
management. In response to the limits of prior studies, we propose a relevant conceptual …
Stakeholder management in construction: An empirical study to address research gaps in previous studies
This paper concentrates on identifying gaps in the scope of previous studies on stakeholder
management, and starting to address those gaps by conducting an empirical study. To …
management, and starting to address those gaps by conducting an empirical study. To …
[КНИГА][B] Olympic cities
JR Gold, MM Gold - 2006 -
Names: Gold, John R., 1949–editor.| Gold, Margaret M., editor. Title: Olympic cities: city
agendas, planning and the world's games, 1896-2032/edited by John R. Gold and Margaret …
agendas, planning and the world's games, 1896-2032/edited by John R. Gold and Margaret …