Semi-natural habitats support biological control, pollination and soil conservation in Europe. A review
Semi-natural habitats are integral to most agricultural areas and have the potential to
support ecosystem services, especially biological control and pollination by supplying …
support ecosystem services, especially biological control and pollination by supplying …
Advances in molecular ecology: tracking trophic links through predator–prey food‐webs
Summary 1 It is not always possible to track trophic interactions between predators and prey
by direct observation. This is especially true when observing small or elusive animals with …
by direct observation. This is especially true when observing small or elusive animals with …
Agricultural landscape simplification reduces natural pest control: A quantitative synthesis
Numerous studies show that landscape simplification reduces abundance and diversity of
natural enemies in agroecosystems, but its effect on natural pest control remains poorly …
natural enemies in agroecosystems, but its effect on natural pest control remains poorly …
Uptake of Bt endotoxins by nontarget herbivores and higher order arthropod predators: molecular evidence from a transgenic corn agroecosystem
JD Harwood, WG Wallin, JJ Obrycki - Molecular Ecology, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The planting of transgenic crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins is widespread
throughout the world; the prolific increase in their application exposes nontarget organisms …
throughout the world; the prolific increase in their application exposes nontarget organisms …
Direct effects of tillage on the activity density of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) weed seed predators
AF Shearin, SC Reberg-Horton… - Environmental …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Ground beetles are well known as beneficial organisms in agroecosystems, contributing to
the predation of a wide range of animal pests and weed seeds. Tillage has generally been …
the predation of a wide range of animal pests and weed seeds. Tillage has generally been …
Effects of landscape connectivity on the spatial distribution of insect diversity in agricultural mosaic landscapes
T Diekötter, R Billeter, TO Crist - Basic and Applied Ecology, 2008 - Elsevier
European agricultural landscapes are mosaics of intensively cultivated areas and semi-
natural elements. Although comprising only a small fraction of the total area, semi-natural …
natural elements. Although comprising only a small fraction of the total area, semi-natural …
The resilience of weed seedbank regulation by carabid beetles, at continental scales, to alternative prey
Carabids are generalist predators that contribute to the agricultural ecosystem service of
seedbank regulation via weed seed predation. To facilitate adoption of this ecosystem …
seedbank regulation via weed seed predation. To facilitate adoption of this ecosystem …
Modelling potential natural pest control ecosystem services provided by arthropods in agricultural landscapes
M Perennes, T Diekötter, H Hoffmann, EA Martin… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2023 - Elsevier
Natural pest control has the potential to reduce pesticide use. Therefore, it has an essential
role to play in the transition towards a more sustainable agriculture. For the prediction of …
role to play in the transition towards a more sustainable agriculture. For the prediction of …
Prey choice by carabid beetles feeding on an earthworm community analysed using species‐and lineage‐specific PCR primers
The carabid beetle Pterostichus melanarius is a major natural enemy of pests, such as
aphids and slugs in agricultural systems. Earthworms are a dominant non‐pest component …
aphids and slugs in agricultural systems. Earthworms are a dominant non‐pest component …
The significance of facultative scavenging in generalist predator nutrition: detecting decayed prey in the guts of predators using PCR
Gut‐content analyses using molecular techniques are an effective approach to quantifying
predator–prey interactions. Predation is often assumed but scavenging is an equally likely …
predator–prey interactions. Predation is often assumed but scavenging is an equally likely …