Sustainable management of non‐native grass carp as a protein source, weed‐control agent and sport fish
Grass carp, a native Chinese freshwater fish species, has been widely introduced and
established worldwide for different purposes (protein source, weed control agent, and sport …
established worldwide for different purposes (protein source, weed control agent, and sport …
Values and pro-environmental behavior: What is the role of trust?
Freshwater ecosystems provide invaluable natural resources for outdoor recreationists but
are at risk of degradation from biological invasions. An understanding of the broad values …
are at risk of degradation from biological invasions. An understanding of the broad values …
Using decision analysis to collaboratively respond to invasive species threats: A case study of Lake Erie grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
Decisions about invasive species control and eradication can be difficult because of
uncertainty in population demographics, movement ecology, and effectiveness of potential …
uncertainty in population demographics, movement ecology, and effectiveness of potential …
[HTML][HTML] Reproduction of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Maumee River, Ohio: Part 1—Spawning area identification using bidirectional drift modeling
Control of invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) populations in the Western Lake
Erie Basin merits adaptive management guided by the best available science. Presently …
Erie Basin merits adaptive management guided by the best available science. Presently …
Water quality–fisheries tradeoffs in a changing climate underscore the need for adaptive ecosystem–based management
Changes driven by both unanticipated human activities and management actions are
creating wicked management landscapes in freshwater and marine ecosystems that require …
creating wicked management landscapes in freshwater and marine ecosystems that require …
Unravelling how collaboration impacts success of invasive species management
Invasive species cause severe threats to biodiversity and the economy, but often across
multi‐actor landscapes. Therefore, collaboration among multiple actors across landscapes …
multi‐actor landscapes. Therefore, collaboration among multiple actors across landscapes …
Drivers and timing of grass carp movement within the Sandusky River, Ohio: implications to potential spawning barrier response strategy
Understanding the timing and drivers of migration can be beneficial for improving response
efforts aimed at reducing invasive species densities. Efforts by management agencies to …
efforts aimed at reducing invasive species densities. Efforts by management agencies to …
Evaluating sources of bias in pedigree‐based estimates of breeding population size
Applications of genetic‐based estimates of population size are expanding, especially for
species for which traditional demographic estimation methods are intractable due to the …
species for which traditional demographic estimation methods are intractable due to the …
[HTML][HTML] Capturing potential: Leveraging grass carp behavior Ctenopharyngodon idella for enhanced removal
Effective management of invasive species benefits from a comprehensive understanding of
the species' behavior and interactions with the invaded system. We investigated temporal …
the species' behavior and interactions with the invaded system. We investigated temporal …
Reviewing uncertainty in bioenergetics and food web models to project invasion impacts: Four major Chinese carps in the Great Lakes
Bioenergetics and food web models are tools available for understanding and projecting the
impacts of aquatic species invasions on food web structure and energy allocation of an …
impacts of aquatic species invasions on food web structure and energy allocation of an …