When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a 'turn to community'in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population
This paper addresses a number of challenges HCI designers and researchers deal with
when designing digital technologies for older people. We conducted a 5-year research …
when designing digital technologies for older people. We conducted a 5-year research …
Situated crowdsourcing during disasters: Managing the tasks of spontaneous volunteers through public displays
Although emergency services have already recognized the importance of citizen-initiated
activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous …
activities during disasters, still questions with regard to the coordination of spontaneous …
A service‐oriented approach to crowdsensing for accessible smart mobility scenarios
This work presents an architecture to help designing and deploying smart mobility
applications. The proposed solution builds on the experience already matured by the …
applications. The proposed solution builds on the experience already matured by the …
Union Makes Us Strong: Space, Technology, and On-Demand Ridesourcing Digital Labour Platforms
The entry of on-demand ridesourcing digital labour platforms (OR-DLPs) in Kolkata, India,
restructured the local taxi-cab service industry's economic geography and spatial practices …
restructured the local taxi-cab service industry's economic geography and spatial practices …
Science everywhere: Designing public, tangible displays to connect youth learning across settings
A major challenge in education is understanding how to connect learning experiences
across settings (eg, school, afterschool, and home) for youth. In this paper, we introduce and …
across settings (eg, school, afterschool, and home) for youth. In this paper, we introduce and …
Urban ageing: technology, agency and community in smarter cities for older people
Despite the widespread popularity of smart cities in policy and research fields, and the ever-
increasing ageing population in urban areas, ageing issues have seldom been addressed …
increasing ageing population in urban areas, ageing issues have seldom been addressed …
Surfacing small worlds through data-in-place
We present findings from a five-week deployment of voting technologies in a city
neighbourhood. Drawing on Marres'(2012) work on material participation and Massey's …
neighbourhood. Drawing on Marres'(2012) work on material participation and Massey's …
Aspirational design and messy democracy: Partisanship, policy, and hope in an Asian city
Recent research in CSCW, urban informatics, and sociotechnical systems has proposed
new framings and emphases of the city as a locus of research on computing and called for a …
new framings and emphases of the city as a locus of research on computing and called for a …
Citizens' acceptance of u-life services in the ubiquitous city Songdo
As prototypical cities of the twenty-first century,“smart” and “ubiquitous” cities (u-cities) are
planned and constructed all over the world. A paradigmatic example of a u-city built from …
planned and constructed all over the world. A paradigmatic example of a u-city built from …
[PDF][PDF] A smart and ubiquitous urban future? Contrasting large-scale agendas and street-level dreams.
J Ylipulli - Observatorio (OBS*), 2015 - ubicomp.oulu.fi
This article examines the dreams and wishes of young-adult city residents regarding future
ICT development, comparing its findings with two visions of ICT development offered by …
ICT development, comparing its findings with two visions of ICT development offered by …