[PDF][PDF] Methods as moving ground: Reflections on the 'doings' of mobile methodologies

I Boas, J Schapendonk, S Blondin, A Pas - 2020 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
As mobilities studies became a well-respected field in social science, discussions on mobile
research designs followed. Usually, these discussions are part of empirical papers and …

[HTML][HTML] Understanding 'night grazing': Conservation governance, rural inequalities, and shifting responses 'from above and below'throughout the nychthemeron in …

A Pas, C Cavanagh - Geoforum, 2022 - Elsevier
Across much of eastern Africa, the land area coverage of private or otherwise non-state
conservation areas is rapidly increasing. In Kenya, these trends have sparked renewed …

[HTML][HTML] Landscape-level changes to large mammal space use in response to a pastoralist incursion

S Masiaine, N Pilfold, RJ Moll, D O'connor, L Larpei… - Ecological …, 2021 - Elsevier
Pastoralists and their livestock have long competed with wildlife over access to grazing on
shared rangelands. In the dynamic 21st century however, the configuration and quality of …

Feeding and spatial behaviours of transhumant cattle in southern Benin: implications for the sustainable management of rangelands

RV Cao Diogo, JS Adjassin, LH Dossa… - African journal of range …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Feed intake on pastures plays a vital role in cattle rearing in West Africa. However, the
scarcity of pastures during the dry season may result in changing grazing behaviour by …

Herding strategies under shifting rainfall conditions: implications for rangeland conservation and pastoralist livelihoods

C Leweri - 2022 - dspace.nm-aist.ac.tz
Understanding rainfall variability is of great importance in East Africa, where small-scale
farmers and pastoralists dominate. Factors such as fire, herbivory and soil conditions also …

[PDF][PDF] A fine balance: history, governance and pastoralism result in positive conservation outcomes in Southern Kenya

P Brehony, N Leader-Williams - Journeys to more …, 2023 - research.tilburguniversity.edu
This article describes the initiatives of two communities in Southern Kenya who have chosen
to establish conservation areas on a significant portion of their land. Using both qualitative …

[PDF][PDF] 13 Alternative perspectives

A Pas, T Haller, I Blanco-Gutiérrez… - Drylands Facing …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
Community-based governance of natural resources in the drylands has often been studied
from the perspective of failure. Using simplistic neo-Malthusian world-views supported by …

[HTML][HTML] Drought frequency, conservancies, and pastoral household well-being

RB Boone, CK Lesorogol, KA Galvin - Ecology and Society, 2024 - ecologyandsociety.org
Portions of group ranches of northern Kenya communally held by pastoralists have been
removed from grazing to support wildlife and encourage tourism and the resources that …