Electric multipole moments, topological multipole moment pum**, and chiral hinge states in crystalline insulators
We extend the theory of dipole moments in crystalline insulators to higher multipole
moments. As first formulated in Benalcazar et al.[Science 357, 61 (2017) SCIEAS 0036-8075 …
moments. As first formulated in Benalcazar et al.[Science 357, 61 (2017) SCIEAS 0036-8075 …
Topological quantum chemistry
Since the discovery of topological insulators and semimetals, there has been much research
into predicting and experimentally discovering distinct classes of these materials, in which …
into predicting and experimentally discovering distinct classes of these materials, in which …
Z2Pack: Numerical implementation of hybrid Wannier centers for identifying topological materials
The intense theoretical and experimental interest in topological insulators and semimetals
has established band structure topology as a fundamental material property. Consequently …
has established band structure topology as a fundamental material property. Consequently …
Many-body superconductivity in topological flat bands
In a flat band superconductor, bosonic excitations can disperse while unpaired electrons are
immobile. To study this strongly interacting system, we construct a family of multi-band …
immobile. To study this strongly interacting system, we construct a family of multi-band …
Effective theory and emergent symmetry in the flat bands of attractive Hubbard models
In a partially filled flat Bloch band electrons do not have a well defined Fermi surface and
hence the low-energy theory is not a Fermi liquid. Nevertheless, under the influence of an …
hence the low-energy theory is not a Fermi liquid. Nevertheless, under the influence of an …
Quantum geometric bound and ideal condition for Euler band topology
S Kwon, BJ Yang - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Understanding the relationship between quantum geometry and topological invariants is a
central problem in the study of topological states. In this work, we establish the relationship …
central problem in the study of topological states. In this work, we establish the relationship …
Theory of local topological markers for finite and periodic two-dimensional systems
N Baù, A Marrazzo - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The topological phases of two-dimensional time-reversal symmetric insulators are classified
by a Z 2 topological invariant. Usually, the invariant is introduced and calculated by …
by a Z 2 topological invariant. Usually, the invariant is introduced and calculated by …
Crystallographic splitting theorem for band representations and fragile topological photonic crystals
The fundamental building blocks in band theory are band representations—bands whose
infinitely numbered Wannier functions are generated (by action of a space group) from a …
infinitely numbered Wannier functions are generated (by action of a space group) from a …
Cubic 3D Chern photonic insulators with orientable large Chern vectors
Abstract Time Reversal Symmetry (TRS) broken topological phases provide gapless surface
states protected by topology, regardless of additional internal symmetries, spin or valley …
states protected by topology, regardless of additional internal symmetries, spin or valley …
Wannier functions and invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators
We provide a constructive proof of exponentially localized Wannier functions and related
Bloch frames in 1-and 2-dimensional time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulators …
Bloch frames in 1-and 2-dimensional time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulators …