Electric multipole moments, topological multipole moment pum**, and chiral hinge states in crystalline insulators

WA Benalcazar, BA Bernevig, TL Hughes - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We extend the theory of dipole moments in crystalline insulators to higher multipole
moments. As first formulated in Benalcazar et al.[Science 357, 61 (2017) SCIEAS 0036-8075 …

Topological quantum chemistry

B Bradlyn, L Elcoro, J Cano, MG Vergniory, Z Wang… - Nature, 2017 - nature.com
Since the discovery of topological insulators and semimetals, there has been much research
into predicting and experimentally discovering distinct classes of these materials, in which …

Z2Pack: Numerical implementation of hybrid Wannier centers for identifying topological materials

D Gresch, G Autes, OV Yazyev, M Troyer, D Vanderbilt… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
The intense theoretical and experimental interest in topological insulators and semimetals
has established band structure topology as a fundamental material property. Consequently …

Many-body superconductivity in topological flat bands

J Herzog-Arbeitman, A Chew, KE Huhtinen… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022 - arxiv.org
In a flat band superconductor, bosonic excitations can disperse while unpaired electrons are
immobile. To study this strongly interacting system, we construct a family of multi-band …

Effective theory and emergent symmetry in the flat bands of attractive Hubbard models

M Tovmasyan, S Peotta, P Törmä, SD Huber - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
In a partially filled flat Bloch band electrons do not have a well defined Fermi surface and
hence the low-energy theory is not a Fermi liquid. Nevertheless, under the influence of an …

Quantum geometric bound and ideal condition for Euler band topology

S Kwon, BJ Yang - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Understanding the relationship between quantum geometry and topological invariants is a
central problem in the study of topological states. In this work, we establish the relationship …

Theory of local topological markers for finite and periodic two-dimensional systems

N Baù, A Marrazzo - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The topological phases of two-dimensional time-reversal symmetric insulators are classified
by a Z 2 topological invariant. Usually, the invariant is introduced and calculated by …

Crystallographic splitting theorem for band representations and fragile topological photonic crystals

A Alexandradinata, J Höller, C Wang, H Cheng, L Lu - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
The fundamental building blocks in band theory are band representations—bands whose
infinitely numbered Wannier functions are generated (by action of a space group) from a …

Cubic 3D Chern photonic insulators with orientable large Chern vectors

C Devescovi, M García-Díez, I Robredo… - Nature …, 2021 - nature.com
Abstract Time Reversal Symmetry (TRS) broken topological phases provide gapless surface
states protected by topology, regardless of additional internal symmetries, spin or valley …

Wannier functions and invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators

HD Cornean, D Monaco, S Teufel - Reviews in Mathematical …, 2017 - World Scientific
We provide a constructive proof of exponentially localized Wannier functions and related
Bloch frames in 1-and 2-dimensional time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulators …