The effect of digitalization on the commercialization process of high-Technology companies in the life sciences industry
SA Gbadegeshin - Technology Innovation Management Review, 2019 - timreview.ca
This article examines how digitalization influences the commercialization of high
technologies in the life sciences industry. It is based on a cross-case study focused on …
technologies in the life sciences industry. It is based on a cross-case study focused on …
[HTML][HTML] Commercialization pathways for climate services for small holder farmers in the global South
Climate change disproportionally affects many countries in the Global South where
smallholder farmers make up the majority of the agricultural sector. Weather and Climate …
smallholder farmers make up the majority of the agricultural sector. Weather and Climate …
[PDF][PDF] Commercialization process of high technology: A study of Finnish University Spin-off
SA Gbadegeshin - Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 2017 - researchgate.net
This article examines commercialization process of a high technology, which is
characterized by a high level of research and development activities, resources-intensive …
characterized by a high level of research and development activities, resources-intensive …
Lean commercialization: A new framework for commercializing high technologies
SA Gbadegeshin - Technology Innovation Management Review, 2018 - timreview.ca
Commercializing high technologies is expensive, tedious, and resource intensive.
Meanwhile, there is a need for quick diffusion of innovations due to economic pressures for …
Meanwhile, there is a need for quick diffusion of innovations due to economic pressures for …
[HTML][HTML] Determination of importance of key decision points in the technology commercialization process: attitude of the US and German experts
V Zemlickienė, Z Turskis - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
With the help of commercialization, inventions become marketable commodities that find
new ways of solving problems. Turning technology into reality requires an excellent …
new ways of solving problems. Turning technology into reality requires an excellent …
[PDF][PDF] The Commercialization Process of High Technologies
SA Gbadegeshin - The University of Turku, Finland, Doctoral …, 2019 - academia.edu
Commercialization of high technologies refers to a process that transforms radical and
disruptive innovations into consumable products, services and solution packages. This …
disruptive innovations into consumable products, services and solution packages. This …
Commercialization process of disruptive innovations in corporate ventures and spinoff companies: a comparison
J Nieto Cubero… - Advances in …, 2020 - upcommons.upc.edu
One of the most critical challenges that large companies, small enterprises and research
institutes face, when commercializing their innovations, is the transfer process at the moment …
institutes face, when commercializing their innovations, is the transfer process at the moment …
Commercialization skills: Necessity for high technology entrepreneurs in digital era
SA Gbadegeshin - Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference …, 2019 - Springer
As Fourth revolution evolves, digitalization enables development and diffusion of new high
technologies. Hence, it is essential to have knowledge on commercialization competence …
technologies. Hence, it is essential to have knowledge on commercialization competence …
[CARTE][B] The investigation of a framework for the commercialization of technological innovations through start-up firms in South Africa
WS Makwinja - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Innovation is central to economic growth of a country: an idea that can be traced as far back
as in the writings of Schumpeter (1935). Further down the years, Solow (1994) argued that …
as in the writings of Schumpeter (1935). Further down the years, Solow (1994) argued that …
Business Models for Climate Services for Small Holder Farmers in the Global South
Climate change disproportionally affects many countries in the Global South where
smallholder farmers make up the majority of the agricultural sector. Weather and Climate …
smallholder farmers make up the majority of the agricultural sector. Weather and Climate …