Effects of radiation on the uncertainty of flame speed determination using spherically propagating flames with CO/CO2/H2O dilutions at elevated pressures
This work investigates numerically the effects of spectral dependent radiation on laminar
flame speed determination using spherically propagating CH 4/air and H 2/air flames with …
flame speed determination using spherically propagating CH 4/air and H 2/air flames with …
Determination of oxidation characteristics and decomposition kinetics of some Nigerian biomass
The oxidation characteristics and devolatilisation kinetics studies of palm kernel shell (Elaeis
guineen-sis), African bush mango wood and shell (Irvingia wombolu), and African border …
guineen-sis), African bush mango wood and shell (Irvingia wombolu), and African border …
Characteristics of flow and thrust variations in a jet engine with a variable area nozzle
J Park, CH Sohn - Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015 - Springer
A numerical analysis of the internal flow field in an exhaust converging-diverging nozzle of a
jet engine has been carried out. Variable area nozzle is required in a jet engine for optimal …
jet engine has been carried out. Variable area nozzle is required in a jet engine for optimal …
A Numerical Study on Cooling Characteristics of a Rocket-engine-based Incinerator Devised for High Burning Rate of Solid Particles
Cooling characteristics are investigated numerically in the chamber for high-performance
burnout of wastes with solid phase. Before the combustion chamber is manufactured …
burnout of wastes with solid phase. Before the combustion chamber is manufactured …
On evaluation of high burnout performance in a rocket-engine-based incinerator for solid-particles burning
To dispose of solid biomass particles such as wood, municipal solid wastes (MSW), and
animal carcass, burning of solid particles in the chamber of a rocket-engine-based …
animal carcass, burning of solid particles in the chamber of a rocket-engine-based …
고체입자의 높은 연소율을 갖기 위해 고안된 로켓 엔진 기반 소각로의 냉각 해석
손진우, 손채훈 - 한국추진공학회지, 2016 - dbpia.co.kr
초 록고성능 고체 입자 연소를 위해 제안된, 로켓 엔진 기술이 접목된 연소실이 기존 연구를
통해 제시되었고, 본 연구에서는 연소실 벽면의 냉각해석을 수행하였다. 실제 연소실 제작에 …
통해 제시되었고, 본 연구에서는 연소실 벽면의 냉각해석을 수행하였다. 실제 연소실 제작에 …