[HTML][HTML] An algorithm for linearizing the Collatz convergence

A Rahn, E Sultanow, M Henkel, S Ghosh, IJ Aberkane - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
The Collatz dynamic is known to generate a complex quiver of sequences over natural
numbers for which the inflation propensity remains so unpredictable it could be used to …

A clustering perspective of the Collatz conjecture

JAT Machado, A Galhano, D Cao Labora - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
This manuscript focuses on one of the most famous open problems in mathematics, namely
the Collatz conjecture. The first part of the paper is devoted to describe the problem …

-adic Analysis and the Collatz Conjecture

MC Siegel - arxiv preprint arxiv:2412.02902, 2024 - arxiv.org
What use can there be for a function from the $ p $-adic numbers to the $ q $-adic numbers,
where $ p $ and $ q $ are distinct primes? The traditional answer, courtesy of the half …

The Collatz function as an automorphic Cayley colour graph:decidability of conjectures, proof of the conjecture

J Kleinnijenhuis, AM Kleinnijenhuis… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2020 - arxiv.org
The Collatz conjecture states that repeated steps of $ n\mathrm {\to}\mathrm {3} n\mathrm {+
1} $ at odd numbers and $ n\mathrm {\to} n\mathrm {/2} $ at even numbers amount to walks …

[PDF][PDF] Using Full Binary Directed Tree Proof the Collatz Conjecture

J Feng - 2024 - preprints.org
We use binary string to represent a natural number and show the composite procedure of
odd-number and even-number functions, thus we propose full binary directed tree to …

Collatz convergence is a Hydra game

A Rahn, E Sultanow, IJ Aberkane - arxiv preprint arxiv:2101.09719, 2021 - arxiv.org
The Collatz dynamic is known to generate a complex quiver of sequences over natural
numbers which inflation propensity remains so unpredictable it could be used to generate …

[PDF][PDF] Une preuve de la conjecture de Collatz fondée sur un graphe binaire, orienté et étiqueté, associé au codage binaire des étiquettes

B Pincent - 2024 - hal.science
Résumé Dans les années 1930, lorsque Lothar Collatz a proposé sa célèbre conjecture, il a
dessiné un graphe. L'application de règles structurante dans la construction'inverse'du …

[ЦИТАТА][C] The Collatz tree as a Hilbert hotel: an automorphism proof of the 3x+ 1 conjecture

J Kleinnijenhuis, AM Kleinnijenhuis, MG Aydogan - arxiv preprint arxiv:2008.13643, 2020