Intelligent reflecting surface-aided wireless communications: A tutorial
Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is an enabling technology to engineer the radio signal
propagation in wireless networks. By smartly tuning the signal reflection via a large number …
propagation in wireless networks. By smartly tuning the signal reflection via a large number …
A survey on coverage and connectivity issues in wireless sensor networks
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of a group of small power-constrained nodes
with functions of sensing and communication, which can be scattered over a vast region for …
with functions of sensing and communication, which can be scattered over a vast region for …
Efficient communication in wireless sensor networks using optimized energy efficient engroove leach clustering protocol
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network that is constructed in regions that are
inaccessible to human beings. The widespread deployment of wireless micro sensors will …
inaccessible to human beings. The widespread deployment of wireless micro sensors will …
Topology management techniques for tolerating node failures in wireless sensor networks: A survey
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs) nodes often operate unattended in a collaborative
manner to perform some tasks. In many applications, the network is deployed in harsh …
manner to perform some tasks. In many applications, the network is deployed in harsh …
Strategies and techniques for node placement in wireless sensor networks: A survey
The major challenge in designing wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is the support of the
functional, such as data latency, and the non-functional, such as data integrity, requirements …
functional, such as data latency, and the non-functional, such as data integrity, requirements …
On coverage issues in directional sensor networks: A survey
MA Guvensan, AG Yavuz - Ad Hoc Networks, 2011 - Elsevier
The coverage optimization problem has been examined thoroughly for omni-directional
sensor networks in the past decades. However, the coverage problem in directional sensor …
sensor networks in the past decades. However, the coverage problem in directional sensor …
Mobility and intruder prior information improving the barrier coverage of sparse sensor networks
The barrier coverage problem in emerging mobile sensor networks has been an interesting
research issue due to many related real-life applications. Existing solutions are mainly …
research issue due to many related real-life applications. Existing solutions are mainly …
[PDF][PDF] Genetic algorithm for hierarchical wireless sensor networks.
S Hussain, AW Matin, O Islam - J. Networks, 2007 - Citeseer
Large scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be used for various pervasive and
ubiquitous applications such as security, health-care, industry automation, agriculture …
ubiquitous applications such as security, health-care, industry automation, agriculture …
Placement optimization of energy and information access points in wireless powered communication networks
The applications of wireless power transfer technology to wireless communications can help
build a wireless powered communication network (WPCN) with more reliable and …
build a wireless powered communication network (WPCN) with more reliable and …
Achieving source location privacy and network lifetime maximization through tree-based diversionary routing in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been proliferating due to their wide applications in
both military and commercial use. However, one critical challenge to WSNs implementation …
both military and commercial use. However, one critical challenge to WSNs implementation …